Friday, 31 July 2009

World of Warcraft Gold-Profitable Trade Skills

World of Warcraft players have a lot of activities available at any given time but what about the times when you just don't feel like

questing or are waiting in the queue to get into an instanced dungeon? That is a good time to raise your trade skills in WoW.

There are several different trades available to gamers including tailoring, skinning, leatherworking, blacksmithing, engineering, enchanting, herbalism, jewelcrafting and mining.

Tailoring is a good skill to take up, particularly if you are a cloth-wearing class like a priest, magician or warlock.

Looting most humanoid monsters in World of Warcraft, gives you a very good chance of getting pieces of cloth that can be tailored into cloth armor and various other valuable items such as bags. Bags sell very well in the auction houses that can be found in most major cities of Norrath. Cloth may also be found in chests or awarded in World of Warcraft quests.

Skinning and leatherworking kind of go hand in hand. The corpses of beasts may be skinned to provide leather for the leatherworking trade.

Hunters and shamans wear leather armor until level 40 when they can start to wear mail armor. Rogues and druids use leather armor for their entire careers. Leatherworkers can craft leather armor, ammo pouches, quivers and other useful items.

The mining trade is performed by using a mining pick on nodes of ore that can be found scattered all over.

Blacksmiths use metal ore to make chain and plate armor and weapons. Warriors and paladins wear mail armor until level 40 after which they can wear plate. Death Knights begin their careers at level 55 and so always wear plate armor.

Engineers use mined ores to make all sorts of handy gadgets. Jewelcrafters use ore to make jewelry and prospect ores to acquire gems to ply their trade.

Herbalism is the art of picking various plants that can be found in all World of Warcraft environments. These plants can then be fashioned into potions to perform a number of things including restoring mana and health.

Enchanters can add statistics to improve armor and weapons. They can also disenchant items and gain valuable materials for more enchantments.

Each of these skills has advantage and disadvantages and some can be difficult to get to grandmaster status but there is a great deal of World of Warcraft gold to be made if you stick it out. have 3 years sales experience in world of warcraft. We are committed to provide users with fast, safe and cheap wow gold,you can buy runescape gold,buy wow accounts and powerleveling services!

Monday, 27 July 2009

World Of Warcraft Gold Farming - Secrets Of WoW Farming Are Exposed Here

World of Warcraft Gold Farming is one of the more difficult aspects of the game and it always is a little bothersome to have to fall back to World of Warcraft Gold Farming to be capable to acquire your own mount, or an exceptional enchant!

Naturally whenever you know how to carry out World of Warcraft Gold Farming the right way then you'll feel that you love the game much more! Today i'm going to tell you a couple of places that are the better in the game for World of Warcraft Gold Farming so you can stop troubling about being stone-broke!

Heres a quick list of some of the spots that are the better for wow Gold Farming:

1. Azshara: There a couple of ways you can do this one if you don't want to involve dangers and are quite pleased doing hours of World of Warcraft Gold Farming then you ought to belt down as many blood elves here as you can. They'll cast off cash and rune cloth that you can always trade to the auctioneer house or a seller for a respectable profit.

Whenever you do not mind accepting a danger with your World of Warcraft Gold Farming then you had better grind the demons as they'll cast off more gold then the elves only are more difficult to defeat. Some of these monsters are the better in the game for World of Warcraft Gold Farming and cast off epic items from time to time!

2. The next point that's beneficial for World of Warcraft Gold Farming is the Eastern Plaguelands. Here you ought to go to the undercroft and you'll find a great deal of zombies for World of Warcraft Gold Farming and they're not that tough and besides drop a fair measure of uncommon items and gold.

3. Another effective place for World of Warcraft Gold Farming is Dire Maul Tribute you'll in all likelihood need a group with you for this one because it's tough. You can always discover guides on the World Wide Web for doing tribute runs in DM. You should not have a great deal of bother if there's a group of you and will find it an first-class World of Warcraft Gold Farming Spot!

4. Yet some other good World of Warcraft Gold Farming Spots is in Stratholme and for this one you'll need a group of you also. The beneficial thing is if you've a group of you this one can be done in about half-hour and you can make lots of gold here. There are also means on this World of Warcraft Gold Farming spot that you do not have to battle all the mobs and can just focus on World of Warcraft Gold Farming

5. The final World of Warcraft Gold Farming Spot i'm going to tell you is Uldaman and for this you'll need to be able to disenchant items. All you do is head into Uldamann and make your way to Dig Three. In that location you should discover Galgann Firehammer defeat him and he casts off a few items you can disenchant easy!

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Protect Your WOW Transactions

Internet's WOW account resellers would like to take all possible steps to protect their clients' details as well as the integrity of their websites. By discussing with their clients on the phone, it not only makes the transaction fast, easy and safe, but also gives them a chance to strengthen their connection with the clients and answer any questions they might have on the purchase of the desired WOW account or a World of Warcraft character. Internet WOW account resellers often raise and decrease the prices of a resell WOW account in accordance with market supply and demand. When supply is short and demand is high, prices will increase. When supply is abundant but there is little demand, prices will decrease. This is the reason for changing prices and also why currency prices may vary from server to server on one game.

Even after this you need to be alert and guarded while you play. Do not disclose your credentials and passwords to unknown people who may misuse your secret information. They may sell your wow accounts without informing you. To keep away from all such hassles avoid using public places for logging and playing. Instead use your personal system for the purpose. Never permit other people to log in from the same system at the same point of time. If you do this there are chances of your being eliminated.

All Wow accounts were purchased from gamers who give up the WOW accounts. Internet WOW account resellers check every WOW account for safety and then put the WOW account on their websites. At the same time, every everquest accounts is checked every day. Internet WOW account resellers strive to be the best online shopping service by the online help operator's team. Their online support is available 24 hours. It is for global customers to buy WOW accounts any time. WOW account is a shiny yellow metal. that for some reason everyone seems to want WORLD OF WARCRAFT gold.

This is just as true in the real world, as it is in the virtual WOW account of online games. Internet WOW account resellers guaranteed all WOW accounts on the lowest prices every day. You will never feel that any WOW account is so expensive. Compare with other companies and then purchase WOW account here because they are the honest WOW accounts providers. Internet WOW account resellers provides WOW accounts and WORLD OF WARCRAFT characters for 1 year. 2009 we will focus on the big accounts market and collect more kind of WOW accounts for the customers. Internet WOW account resellers will be the one stop WOW account online store for you to buy WOW accounts with easy and satisfaction here.

Your favourite world of warcraft characters information will be sent to you within 10 minutes. All you need is log in and play it for fun. Internet WOW accounts reseller offers the fastest and most reliable service on the web for all your needs. All WOW accounts and world of warcraft characters come from real players.

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Saturday, 25 July 2009

Are You a World of Warcraft Addict When You Hide Online?

All it takes sometimes it a person that has a need to hide online, maybe from pears at work or students at school, no one really knows why these people throw themselves in World of Warcraft. Who knows how a game addiction develops. Scientists are beginning to study the phenomena is just now. You could say that its a bit late when you think about the gamers that died the past years while they were playing all kinds of online games. Maybe the reason that young girl in South Korea was hiding online in World of Warcraft was because she was being neglected, we will never know. Then there was that man that was found dehydrated while playing an online game and probably in hiding from something in the real world.

Lets take a closer look

Having a World of Warcraft addiction is not very different from other types of addictions seen in certain persons. The majority of people playing this game online will never have any form of problem at all, the small group of persons who are addicted to World of Warcraft and use it to hide online would have used any game for this purpose. The moment they are away from the game you will see that they start to show signs of withdrawal symptoms. Irritation and anxiousness will start to show and the need to get back online as quick as possible. This group of people have deep psychological issues and these will set them up to become addicted and it could have been anything in which they would be able to hide and create their own world, the game is not to be blamed for this. And we are talking a few dozen against millions and millions of people who go about the game in mostly a normal manner.

Some things that would give away a (starting) addiction would be if a school going person would start to miss classes or gets to school late on a regular basis, homework not getting done etc. Although these could also be signs of depressions the two, depression and hiding in an online world, could be linked together. As a family or friend, the best thing to do is to seek professional help. We need to get the person involved back to what we call a normal and healthy life and away from the keyboard.

Being a World of Warcraft addict in itself is not a bad thing, hiding in an online world for a little bit is not that bad either. Their is a very small change that people cross over the border and become a problem case in which there is an even smaller change of it becoming a cause of dead scenario. If you notice a friend or family member playing online and starting to become addicted to these type of games then take their minds of the game by doing something completely different. And you should always consider getting advice from a professional.

Always remember, when you read these kinds of news items, that it is about a very small group compared to the millions and millions of World of Warcraft 'addicts' that are happy playing the game almost every day.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

The World of Warcraft Book of Gold

I'm a big believer in learning from others and avoiding their mistakes. It's particularly true in computer games and the people who have been playing for years longer than you are bound to know more about it - so when I started I read a World of Warcraft book. The problem is although this was a nicely bound players guide full of maps and tables that wasn't what I really needed. I mean who reads tables with skill levels, damage ratios and all that stuff - the tables were so small I could barely read them anyway.

My World of Warcraft book was very much like the Dungeon masters guide I have for playing D&D that's packed full of useful tables as well - can't believe I used to work out the proportional damage from a fall and multiply it by a dice roll. No what you need with World of Warcraft is down to earth advice - practical things that make the game more fun that's why I always buy the unofficial guides written by people who are actively wasting their lives in World of Warcraft right now and justify it by creating some sort of guide. The irony here is that some of these authors make a small fortune out of these WoW gold guides. But hey good luck to them.

An example of one of the tips from a guide I read recently was very simple but effectively saved me hours - instead of me hurtling back and forth from the Auction house with my backpack full of goodies to offload simply create an alternative character and leave them conveniently located near an Auction House and a mailbox. You can then just mail your goodies back for your alt to offload at the Auction house - I mean how incredibly simple is that and yet it saves loads of time !

Why I didn't think of it is perhaps why I will never write a World of Warcraft Book although I might be more suited to the pointless table type of publication. If you're interested in the two wow Gold guides that I was extremely impressed with visit my page and take a look. I have selected a few techniques which are detailed and now have plenty of gold it takes me no time at all to pick up a few hundred or even more when I need it.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

World of Warcraft - Protect Your Account at All Costs

World of war craft, the newest fad that people are getting awfully addicted to doesn't come without its pitfalls. There are many people who would do anything to get the WOW hacks and tips to get as many Items and make as much free gold as possible without doing anything by themselves. But not many of these people are aware of the fact that by trying to hack another person's account you are exposing yourself to getting hacked yourself! The best thing to do? Don't do it and protect your account at all costs.

Wherever you go using the game you will find people who will be giving you instructions on how you can get wealthy and get loads of items especially gold if you follow their advice. They usually brain wash you completely so much so that you don't remain hesitant to even give out your name and password to these people; the very trap that they have set up for innocent people like you. Be very certain about the security of your wow account and never give out your password at any cost. These people are just going to login on your account to rid you of all the items and gold and deposit it on their own account. Some of these are so sick they even change the password making it impossible to even get back to your account. Some of them give the WOW account back but of course without any items!

Never ever download anything that says that you can hack other wow accounts by using it. It usually consists of auto miners, auto fighters or item duplicators who are Trojans and key loggers. What they will do is that they are going to just take over the entire WOW account and can find out your password as well without any problem.

There are a lot of ways with which you can protect your account form getting hacked.

The wow account password should be long consisting of numbers, characters and capital letters. This password should be specifically used for this game and not on other WOW platforms if you want the security to remain extra special. Take help of your sense of logic when you are tempted to download the many hacks that are available out there. Just think about it, would anybody be willing to share with you his secret of how to make millions of dollars on this game if he knows the secret himself? Why would anybody ever do that? There is no profound reason for it and so you should not believe such claims.

Never ever give out your password in any case.Never go for wow hacks, you will get into deep trouble if you do. Just protect your account at all costs, never give out your password and well just a few trusted websites could be believed. These are the sites which are never going to ask for your wow password and the hack advice is in shape of general guidelines, nothing in particular.

Monday, 20 July 2009

How to Buy a World of Warcraft Game and Account

World of Warcraft is a leading MMORPG right now, with almost 9 million other players online. But, you do need the game and an 'active' account to play.


1.If you want to try out World of Warcraft (WoW) without buying it, there is a free 10 day trial WoW account available at or

2.Otherwise, buy the game at a local video game/electronics store. (Best Buy, GameStop, EB Games, Circuit City, etc.)

3.Make an account(On the left sidebar, choose 'Account' and then the 'I don't have an account' option).

4.Make a new character on a server your friends play on, and have fun!


1.If you know you are going to get World of Warcraft soon, you might want to read up on the game, as there are many different classes,races, professions, and overall possibilities.

2.To fully experience the quality of the game, play on the same server and same faction (Horde or Alliance) as your friends/family play.

3.A full party makes the game more interesting, so if you know someone who plays a mage, it would be wise to play a different class.


1.As with most MMORPGs, World of Warcraft is an addicting game, so try to prioritize your time and not let this game affect school, work, relationships, etc.

2.Do not get frustrated with the game. It is easy to do, but all in all, it's still just a game.

3.If you don't have a great computer, you might want to check out the 'Minimum Requirements' posted to see if your PC or Mac can handle the game, as it is graphically intensive.

4.World of Warcraft can become expensive, costing $15 US dollars a month. Maintain your budget accordingly.

Things You'll NeedA 'decent' computer

1.A 'decent' video card

2.Ventrilo - A voice chat program that is popularly used in World of Warcraft.
a microphone, should you download this program

3.GameCards (for online time) or a credit card

4.As with all video games, free time

Sunday, 19 July 2009

WoW Items

Item Durability

Many wow items are subject to gradual durability loss through use. All armor and weapons have item durability, but not trinkets, cloaks, off-hand frills, shirts, tabards, amulets, and rings. An item's current and maximum durability is displayed on its tooltip. On death, all equipped items lose 10% of their current durability.

All armor/weapon NPC vendors can repair durability for a fee. The repair fee varies depending on how damaged a given item is.

Items remain at full effectiveness until they have zero durability. Their power does not gradually degrade.

When an item reaches zero durability, it no longer gives the player any benefit; it acts as though it does not exist until repaired.

Items that are broken (zero durability) can always be repaired - thus, players can never permanently lose items through durability loss.

The 10% durability loss that affects equipped items does not occur when the cause of death is another player in PvP combat.

If you accept a resurrection from a Spirit Healer, both your equipped items as well as items in your inventory will be affected by durability loss.

If an item gets to low durability, a paper doll displays on your screen with the corresponding region shaded in yellow. Broken items are indicated by red shading on the paper doll.

Linking Items to Chat

You can create a link to an item to insert in a chat message, which is useful for showing it to people for trading purposes or just to share information about your item. Hold down "Shift" and left-click on an item while typing a line of chat text. This will insert a link to that item in your message. The recipient of your chat can simply click on that text to bring up the item's tooltip. You can link WoW items in whispers, party chat, guild chat, raid chat, and the city trade channel. You can link any item that you can see the icon of, not just the ones you are wearing. Thus, items in your bank, worn by others, displayed as rewards in your quest log, previously linked to you in a message, or in the Auction House are all fair game. You can also link tradeskill patterns into chat by clicking on them in your profession UI.


The process of stacking items combines two or more identical items into a stack, which allows you to carry multiples of that item in one inventory slot. Items used in tradeskills, reagents, and consumable items are the most common stackable items. Stackable items combine if you pull one item on top of the other. To break up a stack, hold "Shift" and then left-click on the item. This will bring up a window which allows you to control how many items you want to take out of the stack. The maximum number of items that can fit into a stack vary by the item.

Key Rings

When a player first acquires a key, they will automatically acquire a key ring that can only hold keys. The number of slots in the key ring will increase dynamically depending on character level. You can find the icon to open your key ring just to the left of your bag icons. Any item designated as a key, including both permanent dungeon keys as well as quest-specific keys, can be stored in the key ring.

Consumable Item Cooldowns

Items that can be used or activated by right-clicking on them, such as potions, fall into one of three categories. Using an item of a particular category will trigger a shared cooldown among all other items in the same category. The categories and their associated cooldowns are:

Potions - 2 minutes: Potions include health and mana potions, as well as specialty potions such as Invisibility and Mighty Rage. There is also a limit of one time per combat.

Aggressive - 1 minute: This category includes items such as explosives, Really Sticky Glue and Discombobulator Ray.

Non-Aggresive - 2 minutes: This category includes items such as Healthstones, Night Dragon's Breath, Whipper Root Tubers and Target Dummies.

Additional Information

Common unique items will not drop for you if you already have them in your inventory.

Armor can't be swapped out (changed) while in combat. However, weapons can be swapped during combat.

Item sets can be found in the game. Wearing multiple pieces of an item set will convey special bonuses to your character. The most common wow items sets are class-specific armor sets.

When you destroy a superior quality (blue) or better item, a window will pop that asks you to confirm deletion of that item.

You can check out what items will look like on your character before you get them. Learn more about the dressing room feature.

Shields have block values. Blocked attacks avoid an amount of damage based on your shield and your character's Strength.

A player wearing a cloak or helm can choose to have them not show up in the game world. To control this functionality, look in the Options menu under "Interface Options." If you select to disable the display of these items other players will not see them as well.

All wands can be used by classes that possess the Wand Proficiency. Wand damage is reduced by resistance in the appropriate school. Wand use is not prevented when silenced.

The Shoot Wand ability is a toggle. While active, you will continue attacking with the equipped wand until cancelled (e.g. moving).

Most quest rewards are labeled as Bind on Pickup. As a result, they cannot be traded to other players.

Quivers and ammo pouches will increase attack speed when using a gun or bow.

Items with procs are using time-based procs. Their proc frequencies are entered as the number of desired procs per minute, and their actual per-swing proc chances are calculated from that using the weapon's speed.

There are items in the game that have a duration on them that is measured in real time. For instance, there are fish that have a four-hour duration; they only last four hours regardless of whether or not the character is logged in.

Equipping an item will cancel any spell cast currently in progress.

Placing an item in your bank will cancel any spell cast currently in progress if the spell was cast by that item.

Alcohol cooldowns have been rolled into Drinks: All 10-second cooldowns have been removed and replaced with the 1-second Drink cooldown.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Easy Gold Collection Strategy in World of Warcraft

Whoever says money can't buy happiness never played World of Warcraft. WoW Gold the largest electronic commodities. Earning it isn’t easy because it takes a lot of time and effort. A lot of cheaters use bots and scripts to farm gold but not only can this get you banned, it isn’t very efficient! Here are some good places to farm gold yourself:

1.If you’re a miner, Nagrand is good.

2.Netherweb Silk - in Terokkar Forest next to Alliance Base

3.Deadwind Pass

4.Azhara, near the dragons

5.Anywhere you see a botter

Now that’s all find and dandy, but what if I told you there is a better way of getting world of warcraft gold? A way that doesn’t involve illegal bots, countless hours or purchasing anything off eBay! This easy gold collection strategy lets you make up to 100-200 gold per hour, totally legally! Gold sellers will hate you for this.

Friday, 17 July 2009

WoW Gold Making Item - Make 3000 Gold Profit on One Sale

Is it possible to make a huge amount of gold in WOW with one sale? Can you make thousands of gold in profit in a few minutes?

Yes you can!

There are several items in World Of Warcraft that you can make thousands of gold off.

There are WoW items that are so hard to get, there are limited items with long period of time or limited supply per server, while other items are so rare and uncommon that players just doesn't know how to get them. That is when you are going to make thousands of gold on one sale.

However, if the item is so hard to get, so you need to invest hours to get it, or so uncommon so you can only get it, if you are lucky, once in a life time, you are not going to do it, as you are not going to make a lot of gold from it.

So how you can make a 3000 gold on one sale, in a few minutes?

One such item is the "Tome of Polymorph: Black Cat". This gold making WoW item is one of the best sellers of WOW, and you can buy it from a vendor!

It is a limited supply item, but a sort one - only 12 hours. You can buy it from Endora Moorehead. This NPC can be found in Dalaran, so everyone can get it. It cost 2500 if you don't have any discount (2000 gold, price stamp, with Exalted honor with Kirin Tor faction).

If you can find it, and afford it, you can run to the auction house and resell it for 4500 to 6000 gold. This is 2000 to 4000 gold profit, and you did not make anything special to make the gold.

Sometimes you will sell it in less than an hour, most of the time you will sell it in one 48 hour post. If you check for it as you go along, you can get one every 2-3 days, that is 1000 gold a day income, so, even if you only doing this for making gold on WOW, you will have enough gold to play the game at ease.

Don't have a 2500 gold to start with? Want to learn how to make even more gold? And what other world of warcraft items you can sell for huge profit?

Thursday, 16 July 2009

How to Farm Gold in World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft farming does not, as new players might think, refer to one of the professions characters can learn. Instead, farming refers to gathering large amounts of a particular item. Not surprisingly, gold farming is the most popular example of farming.

WoW Gold farming is also known as gold grinding, although grinding generally refers to killing the same monsters over and over again as part of a power leveling strategy (killing monsters that generate high experience. Grinding and farming often go hand-in-hand—if a player spends time power leveling, he or she might as well gather gold and items at the same time. Players can also grind Honor Points and faction reputation.

Gold Grinding Tips

How to farm gold in World of Warcraft?

Every player has a favorite farming method. Generally speaking, gold grinding tips fall into three categories—killing, gathering, and Auction House sales. (There’s also begging, but nothing turns off other players like a Warcraft toon begging for gold).

Mugging for Gold

Gold grinding that focuses on killing monsters is self-explanatory. Players find a monster or humanoid type that drops decent amounts of loot and they kill that type of monster repeatedly.

Some gold farmers combine their WoW gold grinding activity with power leveling, targeting high-level monsters for maximum experience. Another strategy is to target lower level monsters with fast respawn rates (how quickly the game replaces a dead monster with a new one). Lower level monsters can be killed faster, so in theory the player can farm faster.

A third option, as players rise in level, is to enter low level dungeons alone and slaughter the inhabitants. Along the way the player gathers rare items that can be sold in the auction houses.

Skinning, Mining, Herb-picking and Gold Grinding

The “gathering” professions are consistent gold-makers in WoW. Herbalism, skinning, and mining provide raw materials that players need for professions such as alchemy, leatherworking and engineering.

Skinning is very well-suited for gold grinding, as leather is needed for engineering, tailoring, and blacksmithing as well as leatherworking. A stack of twenty leathers will usually sell well to other players. Mined materials are also in demand, but as skinnable beasts are more common than mining nodes skinning is generally preferred for gold farming.

Speculating at the Auction House

Buying and selling in World of Warcraft’s auction houses is one of the most complex gold grinding strategies, but a skilled player can generate significant amounts of gold by buying items at low cost and selling them again for a profit. Auction house speculating is a game in itself for some players, although it does require a form understanding of the WoW realm’s economy.

Gold Grinding Gone Bad: Gold Sellers

WoW players are inevitably exposed to in-game spam from “professional” gold sellers who offer Warcraft gold for real cash. Some players see gold sellers as a shortcut to easy riches, but gold sellers are best avoided.

It’s against Blizzard Entertainment’s terms and services to sell or by Warcraft gold. A player caught buying from a gold seller may have their Warcraft account suspended, or even revoked entirely.

World of Warcraft Gold sellers are also notorious for websites loaded with spyware, keyloggers, and viruses that can cripple a computer. All in all, it’s best to remember that World of Warcraft is a game—players ultimately get more enjoyment gold grinding themselves than paying someone else to play the game for them.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

World of Warcraft - Best Gold, PVP, Power Leveling Strategy Guide

There are hundred of guides out on the market, but they all just focus on one aspect of the game and cost more for other parts of the game. Well there is a guide created by dugi that covers every single aspect of world of warcraft. Dugi has spent over 7000 hours of experience and condensed it into a guide that covers everything from wow power leveling all the way to master PVP.

We all know how annoying it is to play a game over and over without getting anywhere new or it taking forever just to move a little further in the game to get stuck again. Dugi does his best to get rid of that frustration by providing videos and step by step instructions to reach the top of World of Warcraft in under a week. He also offers a free guide for levels 1-20 to show his system works. This guide has thought of everything and explained everything for everyone to master World of Warcraft to save a lot of time and frustration. It also explains how to make hundreds of dollars in wow gold every day with ease so nothing can not be bought by you.

The guide is broken down into every type of character and how to level up that specific class of character. So it is a universal guide. withover 7000 hours of experience in world of warcraft, dugi's guide hits on every aspect of the game. To check out more on this guide you can click on Dugi's Guide Reviewed to see a review of the guide in more detail and watch some videos on it at that review page. This review also has a link to the actual guide its self if your interested in it.

Monday, 13 July 2009

World of Warcraft Lower Level PVP Guide

It is my own opinion, but if you want to increase your lvl, you can visit wowgolds, it offers wow powerleveling.

With the new content in Wrath of the Lich King, the stress of raiding or PVP at level 80 may be too much for some players to handle. Blizzard continues to release new content to push raiding and PVP further. In raids, new dungeon content is released to push guilds into progressing further while new arena seasons are introduced to put in new PVP honor and arena gear for players to grind. In short, the job of a level 80 World of Warcraft player never ends.

By creating an overpowered low level WoW character that dominates in PVP battleground, the player can become successful in World of Warcraft at the lower level PVP brackets without the time commitment required to be successful at level 80. There are minimal content updates at the lower levels, which eliminates the need to continually grind for more gear. Once the low level PVP character is fully geared, the only thing needed is gold for repairs, food, potions, and engineering items.

WoW PVP Level Brackets and Popularity

World of Warcraft brackets for nearly all PVP battlegrounds are 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70-79. Therefore, the level chosen should be at the top of the chosen bracket. For example, level 19 characters are very popular because they can be powerleveled quickly to the desired level.

Choosing a Battlegroup and Realm

It is important to choose a good battlegroup and realm. Years ago, Blizzard instituted inter-realm battlegrounds by dividing groups of realms into battlegroups. It is wise to choose a realm and battlegroup that has a healthy number of PVP players for both factions, Alliance and Horde. If one side is too powerful or has low population, it will not be fun to PVP.

When choosing a realm, it is advantageous to pick a realm with a twink guild. They help new members with lower level PVP characters gear up by providing support during dungeon gear runs with their level 80 characters. They also play together in premades, which are groups of overpowered characters that play together, often with Vent to quickly communicate battle strategies via voice. is a good online service, and the wow powerleveling there is very good.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

All You Need To Know About Power Leveling To Succeed With WOW

WoW Powerleveling is something that is frequently used in World of Warcraft during multiplayer games. This strategy is aimed at the player that has more power assisting than the player who as far less power to help defeat the enemy. Obviously, the player with less power will easily be killed by someone with more power. But by defeating a high level challenger, the lower level player will be rewarded with experience points quicker than normal. The more experience points you earn the more powerful you will become. There is no question that powerleveling has become extremely popular amongst World of Warcraft players. There are a number of reasons why you would want to powerlevel.

The most common reason is for players to advance through the lower levels and get to the more difficult and challenging levels. However, it is also a way for you to advance past the less thrilling levels the game has to offer. Because of the growing popularity of this technique, many gaming companies have even set up ways for you to do this. Keep in mind during the process of wow power Leveling that the whole premise behind this is to increase your experience in the least amount of time. You want to advance in levels without having to spend days or even weeks trying to do so. There are numerous ways for you to power level, but as with everything in life it is up to you to determine what works best.

There is a huge array of guides that you can find on the web and in stores that can help you with power Leveling in World of Warcraft. Some will tell you to do several missions in a row without stopping. However, other guides will suggest you go for it while leaving nothing behind. This is precisely why it is best for you to determine on your own what the best method for you is. It is beneficial to check the amount of items that have been dropped as well. You do not want to waste time on quests that have an extremely low drop rate. You are better off hunting down areas with high drop rates. The last tip to help you succeed with World of Warcraft Power Leveling is to download an add-on. There are a number of different add-ons you can download including one that will show you the amount of experience you have earned per hour. Just make sure that you take advantage of everything there is to help you with your quest.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

The Coolest Items in World of Warcraft- Part 1

This series of articles will cover the rarest and most desired items in the world of Warcraft game.

For each wow item covered you will find in the article: how to get the item, if there is any added cost to the item and the advantages you will get for using it (if any).

From the WotLK expansion you can get a new mount in the form of a Motorcycle. The motorcycle has two versions, one for the Alliance and one for the Horde. The Alliance version is called Mekgineer's Chopper, the Horde version is called Mechano Hog. The two versions have differences in the appearance but other than that are identical. The Hog/Chopper mount can be build by Engineers with level 450. But it can be ride by any character as it's not bending in pick up so it can be sold. This also means that you can have the two of them, if you can afford it. The pattern for the Hog/Chopper is sold by Roxi Ramrocket (Goblin) in K3. And can be acquire only if you have exalted rep whit the right faction. For the Hog you will need to be exalted with Horde Expedition, and for the Chopper you will need to be exalted with Alliance Vanguard. So an engineer can only make one version (his on faction), but you can ride the other faction motorcycle.

The pattern cost 350 gold. The wow items needed to complete a motorcycle are:

Titansteel bars * 12

Artic fur * 2

Handful of Cobalt Bolts * 40

The prices of the above rs items vary from server to server but can go be price for an average of 3000 gold. You will also need three other world of warcraft item (Salvaged Iron Golem Parts, Elementium plated Exhaust Pipe and eight Goblin-machined Pistons). Those are vendor items that will cost you 12,500 gold all together. You can only buy them from the same vendor as the recipe and only if you trained yourself (use the recipe). So why you will want this very expensive mount? Way spend 16,000 gold at least and the time to find an engineer, or bid on the AH ? Even if you can do it yourself, you will still need to go to the vendor, and buy or gather the other items needed... First thing, think how cool it is to ride in one of those, you come in to a city and make all the noise of a real motorcycle as you go, you can be sure all eyes are on you. And what will you do with all your gold if not make others envy you. But that is not all, you get some more bonuses:

You can fall unlimited heights without taking damage as the motorcycle takes it for you (it can be time saving).

You can have a passenger with you on the sidecart, so this is a ride for two!

Of course no passenger, no sidecart, so you get the pleasure of two different mount view.

That does not sound mach but you will get pleasure out of it. And yes it stack up with aspect of the pack. Some disadvantage however:

It takes 1.5 seconds to dismount, so no PVP with it.

As all mount you cannot attack or loot but because of the 1.5 seconds dismount it will take you longer to farm with the motorcycle.

If you enjoyed the reading you can find more on this topic and on related subject in this World of Warcraft site If you want to be able to afford yourself all the cool WOW items and mach more download this free gold guide and you will also receive all the tips and tricks to the game.

Friday, 10 July 2009

Making Gold on WoW Fast Simply and Easy

Making gold on Warcraft seems to be such a daunting task but players do not realise just how easy it can be. I mean they settle for the satisfactory quest gear when they really want and dream of having full tier sets, enchanted weapons and an epic flying mount to get around on.

Making WoW gold is much easier then you think as there are some simple processes that can make you lots of gold in a very short amount of time. One thing you need to know is that buying gold from an online gold trader is a bad decision. Not only is this process very expensive but if you are caught out by a moderator you will permanently lose your account.

There are much more efficient and effective ways to make gold on the game and you do not have to be a high level to do them as well. Some players claim that grinding is the best way to make gold on the game but it is also the best way to get bored on the game as well. You grind the same location over and over to make gold but it is a sure fire way to boredom as well.

Dark iron mining is a simple technique that many players use to make WoW golds very fast and you do not even need a high profession level to be able to do it either. It is not unusual for players to make 250 gold an hour from this tip and you can even play battlegrounds or go in raids while you wait for it to sell in the auction house.

Robert Howdy is an advanced Warcraft player and has written extensively on the art of making gold for Warcraft. His tips and tricks have helped other players reach their goal in extraordinary speeds, find out more - Make warcraft gold

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Frequently Asked Questions About World of Warcraft Accounts

The computer gaming industry is very much alive with the emergence and popularity of various World of Warcraft accounts.

Nowadays, any player who wishes to immediately and instantly fast track his World of Warcraft gaming career only needs to invest heavily on a WoW accounts No wonder. There are too many questions that circulate in the industry. To help familiarize you with such transactions, it would be helpful if you would focus on these frequently asked questions and the simple answers.

Question: Why do gamers buy World of Warcraft accounts? Some players of course would aim to get the edge when they play World of Warcraft. And that would be easy if the account they would be using is already fully developed. If you want to buy a World of Warcraft account that is already developed and with characters that are already powerful enough, then, it is high time you decide on buying existing World of Warcraft accounts.

Question: Where can a WoW account be bought? The Internet is such a diverse and wide array or venue where you could easily find and buy any World of Warcraft account for your own perusal. But as you know, not all that operates online can be reliable and can be trusted. Many online businesses and operations are still not capable of providing good, secure and reliable services and products. For example, when buying already existent and active World of Warcraft accounts, there is an inevitable possibility that the original owner would suddenly and surprisingly show up in the future to reclaim the WoW account. There have already been reported cases of such problems. At, such a problem is permanently eliminated.

When the Website buy World of Warcraft accounts, it always make sure ownership is completely and fully transferred without further ado and condition. Thus, the moment divest or sell any World of Warcraft account, it can assure that no one would ever come out to have the right to reclaim the account.

Question: What is is an online gaming retailer that is currently actively trading existing and secured World of Warcraft accounts. As a trader, the Website buys any World of Warcraft account and sell it to gamers who aim to get hold of already exiting and active accounts with high power levels. Now, you can easily choose from various World of Warcraft accounts for sale available through the Website. Notwithstanding, there are numerous reasons why any WoW player should resort to buying existing and secured WoW accounts from the company.

Question: When can I buy from is actively selling World of Warcraft accounts for sale, Mondays

through Fridays. Because the business activity is done across the Internet, you can expect that anywhere you can be, you would be able to buy an existing and secured World of Warcraft account. The Website's telephone operators are on stand by to handle calls and transactions Mondays to Fridays at 8 am to 8 pm and on Saturdays and Sundays, 10 am to 5 pm, Pacific
Standard Time. Buying of WoW accounts are usually done fast and within just about 30 minutes, the full transfer of the ownership of the World of Warcraft accounts for sale are transferred to you.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

World of Warcraft Gold Purchase - 4 Beginners Tips

Making a World of Warcraft Gold (WoW) purchase is not a difficult thing to do, however, if you've never done it before there are a few things you should know before you do it the first time. These tips will help make sure that your first gold purchase goes smoothly:

1. Research the website where you will be making your purchase from. There are still websites out there that are operating "on the fringes" of fair play and do not necessarily deliver what they've promised to delivery when they've promised to deliver it. A little homework up-front can save you a lot of aggravation down the road. In particular, look for websites that have verifiable testimonials (i.e. testimonials from customers who you can email to verify that the company is legit).

2. An alternative to verifying a website's reputation through contacting a customer directly is to ask around in your circle of World of Warcraft friends for recommendations. If you don't have any personal friends who have purchased WoW gold online, you can always visit one of the many forums devoted to the game. Most will have one or more threads devoted to gold buying and you should be able to get a recommendation there. Either read through the thread to find a "success story" or post the question to the forum yourself.

3. Look at the company's website. A WoW gold selling company that has been around for a while will usually have a very professionally done website. The less than reputable companies (the ones that spring up and disappear quickly) will usually not put much work into a professionally done website simply because they know they're not going to be around for any length of time and don't need to spend any time or money to look professional.

4. The fourth way to determine the reputation of the gold selling company is to visit the customer service area of their website. Do they provide a live chat service where you can talk to a representative in real-time? If not, they should at least have a dedicated customer support email address. Send an email to that address and see how fast their response time is. In general, the faster the response, the more reputable the company will probably be.

By following the above 4 simple tips, you should be able to have a worry-free and successful WoW gold buying experience.

Buying World of Warcraft gold is something that should be approached with caution. There are, unfortunately, websites out there that will "take your money and run". To avoid having this happen to you, it's important to know the best way to go about making a World of Warcraft gold purchase. It is also important to educate yourself on some very simple tips, tricks and guidelines that, if followed, will make sure that your WoW gold buying experience is a positive one.

Monday, 6 July 2009

wow powerleveling

Until yesterday, I was one of the wow powerleveling highest-ranked fury spec warriors on my wow power leveling server's PVP ranking list. After numerous of end-game raiding wow power leveling with my guild, I had finally gathered almost all of my class armor and wow powerleveling was satisfied of my gear. As my guild's PVP wow power leveling officer and off- tank, I prepared all of our raids and taught up-and-coming players on key offensive and defensive skills. All of that changed yesterday, however, wow powerleveling when Blizzard permanently closed my wow power leveling account.

It all began three wow power leveling weeks ago when I decided world of warcraft power leveling to purchase quantities of cheap wow gold from a well known MMORPG gold selling Warhammer Online Power Leveling site on the internet. I was frequently in need of Warhammer Gold to repair world of warcraft powerleveling my broken weapons and wow powerleveling armor as I was the guild's off- tank, my world of warcraft powerleveling gear took a bit a hammering and world of warcraft powerleveling I was exhausted of farming for wow powerleveling hours each day, just wow powerleveling to make enough gold to world of warcraft power leveling barely cover my dear repair costs. The advertisement for "Cheap wow gold" got my attention, I reckoned it couldn't hurt to check it out.

The website guaranteed to deliver world of warcraft power leveling gold straight to my character's in-game wow power leveling mailbox for an acceptable world of warcraft power leveling price, in real American dollars, of course wow gold. Taking into consideration how much I loved the world of warcraft gold game and all the time I used raiding, I thought that buying cheap world of warcraft gold was a good investment for my Warrior. Purchasing wow gold meant that I wouldn't have to wow gold grind for repair cost anymore. I could spend more world of warcraft gold time assisting my fellow guild-mates powerlevel their world of warcraft gold alts and raiding. It looked like an excellent idea at the time. world of warcraft gold Weeks after my gold AOC Power Leveling purchase, though, I received an email AGE OF CONAN Power Leveling was from Blizzard, the creators of Warhammer Power Leveling. The email informed that my Warhammer Online Gold account had been under investigation for fraud and that it was being permanently closed due to "exploitation of the 2 Moons Dil economy".

I was stunned! Just a MapleStory Mesos single purchase of wow gold had flagged Maple Story Mesos my account and resulted in its complete termination. I tired WARHAMMER ONLINE GOLD contacting Blizzard to get my account reopened, but the Blizzard rep stood firm on their stance that buying MS Mesos is a violation of the game's Terms of Use. My actions Cheap WARHAMMER ONLINE GOLD were at direct odds with the "essence" of RuneScape Gold, and there would be no undoing RS Gold of the resulting consequences. In just a few moments, I had lost RuneScape Money everything I had worked so RS Money hard for in-game. It didn't matter that I was a top ranked SilkRoad Gold player, a fully-geared level 70 warrior with a flying mount, my guild's main tank, or a guild officer. Blizzard had wiped out my account as SilkRoad Online Gold if it had never existed. The whole idea made me sick to my stomach and EVE ISK I immediately regretted taking the easy way out by buying SRO Gold. Still worse, though, was the news that my account EVE Online ISK closure destroyed the guild I had worked so hard to help build.

My account Gaia Gold closure left an opening for the position of main tank, causing a major battle to erupt amongst the remaining end-game warriors over who was the most qualified to take my place. This fierce infighting caused the guild to fracture and WOTLK power leveling, as a result, many long-standing guild AOC Gold members left to join other groups. Just five AGE OF CONAN Gold days after my account was terminated, the guild officially disbanded. If I had known a few weeks ago what I now know, I would have never bought LOTRO Gold. Any small temporary benefit it provided me was not worth the ultimate price Lord of the Rings Online Gold I paid for my indiscretion - the complete and permanent closure of my world of warcraft powerleveling account.

I learned the hard way that the easy way out is often the most risky, so think twice before purchasing cheap WAR Power leveling for your character. Are a few WAR Gold extra virtual coins really worth the risk of losing everything? war leveling,Warhammer leveling,Buy Warhammer Gold,Warhammer Gold for sale,Buy WAR gold,professions power leveling,WOTLK powerleveling,buy WOTLK power leveling,arena pvp power leveling,lotro power leveling,soh power leveling,reputation power leveling,wow gold for sale cheap,Really cheap wow gold,cheapest wow gold for sale,cheap wow gold for sale,Warhammer Online Power Leveling,Warhammer Power Leveling,Warhammer Online Gold,Warhammer Gold,WAR Power leveling,WAR Gold,war leveling,WOTLK power leveling,Warhammer leveling,Warhammer Gold.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

How to Make a World of Warcraft Gold Purchase

Acquiring lots of gold in the popular online game World of Warcraft (WoW) is the primary goal of all players. Gold gives you power and the ability to level up faster. For this reason, many players choose the route of making a World of Warcraft gold purchase from a third part website. While this practice is not endorsed by The Blizzard Company (the creators of the game), it has become popular nevertheless. So if you have decided that you want to buy your gold so you can speed up your game play, here's a general step-by-step guide to help you along and make sure your experience is a positive one.

First, make sure to research more than one potential company to do business with. There are many, many gold selling websites out there so you have no shortage of choices. When you visit their site, try to get an overall feel for the professionalism they've put into it. A reputable WoW gold seller will usually have been around for a while and should have many customer testimonials prominently displayed on their home page.

Ask your World of Warcraft playing buddies for recommendations. Anyone who has been playing the game for any length of time will be familiar with the practice of buying WoW gold and should be able to refer you to one or more websites that have good reputations. If you can't find any recommendations this way, visit a WoW forum and look for threads on "WoW gold buying". There should be several. You can usually get a recommendation in this way. While not as good as a personal recommendation from friend, the WoW community is pretty tight-knit and players are usually more than happy to help other players out with recommendations and their own experiences.

Before making your purchase, navigate the company's website thoroughly. A professionally put together website is usually (although not always) a sign of a reputable company. A World of Warcraft gold seller that takes the time and expense to put together a customer-friendly website usually plans on being around for a while. Conversely, a "fly-by-night" gold seller will slap up a "down and dirty" site that may advertise great prices, but just doesn't look professional.

Lastly, check out the website's customer support. Do that have a live chat option where you can interact with a real person in real time (not one of those obviously automated chat systems)? If they do, that's a very good sign that the company has nothing to hide and wants to go the extra mile to make their customer's experience a positive one.

Buying World of Warcraft gold is something that should be approached with caution. To avoid getting "taken for a ride", WoW players should do their homework before deciding to do business with a particular gold selling website. This businessdieoehee with a disreputable gold selling business, it is important to follow some simple rules-of-thumb before making a World of Warcraft gold purchase. If you take the time to learn what to watch out for, your gold buying experience should go smoothly.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

WoW Power-Leveling Tips

What is wow power leveling and why is it important? Power-leveling is building your character's experience points so you can move through the game and take part in all of the quest and adventures it has to offer. When you first start playing WoW your character won't have any experience points. One of the main goals of the game is to build up your character by leveling up. There are several ways in which you can do this.

If you're new to World of Warcraft, then you may want to take your time and go through a few quest solo for awhile to gain experience points. Once you reach a high enough level, grinding is another way to level up your character. Grinding is fighting a group (known as mobs) of monsters in a row without stopping so you gain experience points. This is a choice that many gamers prefer because they have the time and enjoy the challenge. However, you won't get the experience points from grinding that you will from questing.

If leveling up fast is your goal, then there are other options available. One of the first things that you need to do is to be prepared. This means seeking out the best gear, enchants and specs designed for your character. These will help you level up faster. If you're new to the game, it's a good idea to talk to someone that has been playing for awhile and ask for their advice. They can also help you run through instances so you can gain lots of experience points and receive better gear. This will help you level up faster when you do end up on your own from time to time.

Many players will agree that questing is the best way to power level fast. It can be difficult to go through many of the quest alone so it's recommended that you join a group of other players so you can do the quest together. There are many excellent guilds that you can join which have the experience to help you when you start having trouble. When you're with a group or even a friend that is a higher level, they can help you fight higher level monsters to gain more points that you couldn't handle on your own.

There are also tools available that can help you power level your character. There are a number of power-leveling guides for you to choose from that will help steer you in the right direction. QuestHelper is an in-game leveling mod that can help by showing details of the quest and tips on the fastest way to complete the quest at hand.

There are many reasons why players want to level up fast. Some players already have a high level character and they want to get an alternate character leveled up so they can take care of other business. Perhaps you just can't wait to get to the end that you have heard so much about.

Whatever your reason for wanted to power level and build your character as fast as possible these WoW power leveling tips should help you accomplish your goals much faster and easier.

Lisa is a freelance writer with a specialty in Internet content and SEO articles. She has written thousands of articles, hundreds of ebooks and thousands of website pages and related content. She has also authored her own books and works as a consultant to other writers, Internet marketers and Internet businesses.

Friday, 3 July 2009

WoW Power Leveling Secrets Revealed

Power Leveling is the term used to describe the process of quickly rising through the levels in World of Warcraft. There are now 80 levels that can be reached (there were 70 until Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack was released). Reaching these high levels is very tough however. Some players take years, other can do it in months, and some people who use power leveling techniques can achieve the ultimate level in less than a couple of weeks.

If you don't want to waste time on low levels and to jump right up to high levels, there are 2 ways you can do it. Firstly, you could use an expensive wow power leveling service (there are numerous providers on the internet), or you could simply do the power leveling yourself. In this article I'll reveal some useful power leveling tips and tricks.

Network with some Higher Level Players

A great way to get experience points quickly is to network with other players who have higher ranking that you. The advantage in doing this is that you will be able to conquer powerful beasts and cash in on a heap of XP points. This is something a low level player would have no chance of doing alone.

Use Grinding to Level Up

Grinding is another way that you can effectively and quickly move up through the levels. Many people find grinding boring, especially when you are doing it non-stop, but grinding is a great way to earn XP points and as a result, a great way to level up quickly.

The Questing Method

Questing is fun and gives a lot of experience points and bonuses. Questing is in my opiniong the fastest and most effective wow powerleveling technique, especially when combined with grinding. Some quests require that you are at a certain level before you can take them.

If a quest is taking you a long time to complete, consider abandoning it by clicking the Abandon button which is in the quest log. Don't bother wasting your time with slow quests when power leveling.

If you are serious about power leveling through to a high level in a short space of time, I highly recommend considering using a WoW Leveling Guide. Several of these types of guides are available, some of which come with in game addons which really are priceless.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

WoW Power Leveling Secrets Revealed

Power Leveling is the term used to describe the process of quickly rising through the levels in World of Warcraft. There are now 80 levels that can be reached (there were 70 until Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack was released). Reaching these high levels is very tough however. Some players take years, other can do it in months, and some people who use power leveling techniques can achieve the ultimate level in less than a couple of weeks.

If you don't want to waste time on low levels and to jump right up to high levels, there are 2 ways you can do it. Firstly, you could use an expensive wow power leveling service (there are numerous providers on the internet), or you could simply do the power leveling yourself. In this article I'll reveal some useful power leveling tips and tricks.

Network with some Higher Level Players

A great way to get experience points quickly is to network with other players who have higher ranking that you. The advantage in doing this is that you will be able to conquer powerful beasts and cash in on a heap of XP points. This is something a low level player would have no chance of doing alone.

Use Grinding to Level Up

Grinding is another way that you can effectively and quickly move up through the levels. Many people find grinding boring, especially when you are doing it non-stop, but grinding is a great way to earn XP points and as a result, a great way to level up quickly.

The Questing Method

Questing is fun and gives a lot of experience points and bonuses. Questing is in my opiniong the fastest and most effective power leveling technique, especially when combined with grinding. Some quests require that you are at a certain level before you can take them.

If a quest is taking you a long time to complete, consider abandoning it by clicking the Abandon button which is in the quest log. Don't bother wasting your time with slow quests when power leveling.

If you are serious about WoW powerleveling through to a high level in a short space of time, I highly recommend considering using a WoW Leveling Guide. Several of these types of guides are available, some of which come with in game addons which really are priceless.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

World Of WarCraft Power Leveling Guide For All WOW Strategy Gamers

The World of WarCraft is one of the world's most popular MMORPG's and is currently being played by more than 9 million active members. It has created one of the greatest fantasy gaming realms of all time and has shown the true potential for how far online worldwide gaming has really come. Players from all over the world join player vs. player (pvp) servers and others to engage in various quests to improve the experience of your character. There is actually so many ways that players successfully improve their characters leveling, and we'll be going over some power leveling tactics and WOW strategies that deliver great a great leveling guide.

First and foremost, the best way to level up the fastest is actually through questing, where you actually go on specific missions for various characters and pick up items, kill enemies and creatures, deliver messages, escort comrades, and so much more. WoW powerleveling is something that is pretty fundamental and the best way to get started is simply through playing the game itself.

The best way to get a lot of quests done in the fastest way possible to power level the quickest is to actually pick up as many quests as you can in one town or map area, and then go out and complete them. This way you can accomplish multiple quests while you are out and then return to turn them all in at once and receive all of your experience points and rewards in bulk. This is the way that most professional gamers actually play, they simply take the time to get through the game efficiently and map out their moves before they head out to complete quests and level up.

Now, grinding to level is one tactic that a lot of gamers tend to live by. The strategy requires you to really "grind" away by attacking mobs of creatures and enemies through the world of warcraft and gaining experience points through all of your kills and item pick ups from slain enemies. This can be a bit tedious but is a good strategy to level quickly if your character is of warrior class and you can speed grind your way through maps, but its always a good idea to get quests done as well. You can actually grind your way through quests and actually get the best of both worlds to level very efficiently.

You should simply get your quests and as you move around the map areas grind away on the enemies and creatures in the area so that you build experience points as you move about the area completing your quests as well. Certain quests will require that you slay multiple enemies as it is so you can hone your combat skills and level pretty quickly as you move around completing quests. These are just some very simple strategies to get the most out of questing and grinding at the same time to level through the world of warcraft power guide efficiently.