For those newbies to the game please note that Within the role there is no such thing as a best fishing location. All fishing locations will only allow you to level up at the same speed. You have the option to fish in only one spot or in as many different fishing spots as you desire.
Certain World of Warcraft professions complement each other perfectly. The Cooking profession and Fishing profession are classic examples of this. It is quite easy to level up in both roles simultaneously, with the added benefit of allowing you to earn more gold, whilst in the process.
You are given the chance to fish in lakes, rivers, the sea or anywhere where there is fish, if you are solely concentrating on leveling in Fishing and not fishing & Cooking. This is because you no longer reliant upon catching particular fish types for your Cooking dishes. Many of the fish only live in one spot.
How Does My Fishing Skill Level Up?
The answer to this question is quite simple. It depends solely upon the number of fish you are able to hook. The more fish you hook the higher your fish skill will be.
The remainder of this guide will outline just what you should do in order to rise up the levels in both the professions simultaneously as a member of the Horde.
In order to gain your Fishing abilities you will need to get the required training in Fishing from Uthan Stillwater. The Cooking training will be provided by Pyall Silentstride.
Once you have completed the necessary training you will have to go and buy the essential tools required for this role i.e. a fishing rod and a stack of shiny bauble lures; these special lures add +25 to your fishing skill.
You will need to take a trip to Harn Longcast in Bloodhoof village, Mulgore and buy Brilliant Smallfish and Longjaw Mud Snapper recipes from him.
At last you can start to fish! You should cast your line in Stonebull Lake, having already added a shiny bauble lure to your fishing pole.
The +25 skill received when you purchased the fishing equipment will help your fish catching capabilities.
Over the next hour you are aiming to hook 30 Longjaw Mud Snappers and 60 Brilliant Smallfish. These are required for your first Gourmet dish.
Now that you have the necessary number of 60 Brilliant Smallfish you will need to cook the dish, using the recipe that you acquired from Harn Longcast. You will need a fire to prepare the recipe. You have 2 choices. You can opt to make your own fire or you can go back to Bloodhoof Village and use Harn Longcast's fire.
Once you reach level 50 you can start to cook the Longjaw Mud Snappers, that you previously caught, using the recipe bought from Harn Longcast. Okay now you need to go to Orgrimmar city and start to fish in the pond, situated near to Lumark, the fishing trainer. You are fishing for Longjaw Mud Snappers. You will find that you have a smaller drop rate and a higher success rate.
Some where between Fishing level fifty and 75 it is a prerequisite to be awarded Journeyman Cooking and Fishing skill. You will need this additional so that you can advance to the next stage of the game.
Bristle Whisker Catfish is the next fish type that you will be fishing for. First things first however you have to buy the recipe for this dish from Derak Nightfall, the Fishing supply vendor. He is based in Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad.
To the East of Tarren Mill you will find a river. You should try to hook approx 80 to 100 Bristle Whisker Catfish, in order that you can level your [Cooking Skill to 175].
You need to acquire a copy of Expert Fishing: The Bass and You from Old Man Heming. He lives in Booty Bay.
It is now time to increase your Cooking Skill by purchasing the Expert Cookbook. You can buy a copy from Shadowprey Village in Desolace. The most convenient time to do this is between levels 125 and 150. Whilst there visit Wulan, a local vendor and obtain the Mithril Head Trout recipe .
Once you have managed to catch 60 Mithril Head Trout and cooked the recipe you will be at Fishing 225 and Cooking skill 225. have 3 years sales experience in world of warcraft. We are committed to provide users with fast, safe and cheap wow gold,wow accounts and wow powerleveling services!
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