Saturday, 30 May 2009

WoW Farming Limited Supply Items

In this guide, I will share with you how to make gold in World of Warcraft with items that have limited supply. Many individuals who are relatively new to the game simply do not realize that there are WoW items available to them through vendors in certain areas that are being supplied in limited quantities. If you are seeking to obtain gold in the game, and become one of the wealthiest players in the game, it is important that you know and understand that there are items out there that can result in massive earnings when it comes to buying, and then reselling in the Auction House. Now, I will share with you how to make gold with items that have limited supply.

When you go to a vendor, do you just flip through the various pages of items and not really look at what is for sale in depth? If so, you are costing yourself a lot of gold! If you pay special attention at the vendors that you go to, there may be limited items on the very last page of the merchandise that they are offered. You can typically locate these items by searching the names and determining if there is a number by them or not. If you see a number beside the item name, this is an item that you can purchase a limited quantity of. For example, if the number is a three that means that you can purchase three of that particular item. Whenever you see these items, be quick to grab them up so that you can increase the amount of coins that you have in World of Warcraft.

You should create a special bag just for gathering items that are limited in supply. Once you gather a bunch of them up, go to the auction house and put them up for sale. It is best to get the Auctioneer add-on to assist you when you do this. If you have this add-on, all you have to do is hit "scan" and then place the cursor over the items that you want to sell. When you do, you will see how much each one is going for. I like to set my starting price just a tad lower than the first result that comes up when I search for that item, and then raise the buy now price to about what the third or fourth search result is selling theirs for. You will often find that even though you have the same price, people will buy from you because you have the lowest starting price. Doing this can earn you many, many WoW gold in one day's time!

The main reason that you are able to make money from limited supply items is that people simply do not feel that they have the time, or do not want to make the time to go look for the stuff all over the place. They would rather just come to the Auction House, pay a higher rate for convenience, and buy the item that they are seeking. This means that you can actually mark up an item for virtually anything, and in the end, you will have a buyer! If you want to succeed in the economy of World of Warcraft, knowing how to make gold with items that have a limited supply with vendors is a wonderful way to do so!

Ben Oliver is an experienced World of Warcraft Gamer, playing the game since 2004. Get your free comprehensive World of Warcraft Guide Reviews from Ben, go to

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The Alliance Splinters

Unaware of the death cults forming in their lands, the leaders of the Alliance nations began to bicker and argue over territorial holdings and decreasing political influence. King Terenas of Lordaeron began to suspect that the fragile pact they had forged during their darkest hour would not last for much longer. Terenas had convinced the Alliance leaders to lend money and laborers to help rebuild the southern kingdom of Stormwind, which had been destroyed during the orcish occupation of Azeroth. The higher taxes that resulted, along with the high expense of maintaining and operating the numerous orc internment camps, led many leaders - Genn Greymane of Gilneas in particular - to believe that their kingdoms would be better off seceding from the Alliance.

To make matters worse, the high elves of Silvermoon brusquely rescinded their allegiance to the Alliance, stating that the humans' poor leadership had led to the burning of their forests during the Second War. Terenas fought back his impatience and quietly reminded the elves that nothing of Quel'Thalas would have remained if not for the hundreds of valiant humans who'd given their lives to defend it. Nonetheless, the elves stubbornly decided to go their own way. In the wake of the elves' departure, Gilneas and Stromgarde seceded as well.

Though the Alliance was falling apart, King Terenas still had allies that he could count on. Both Admiral Proudmoore of Kul Tiras and the young king, Varian Wrynn of Azeroth, remained committed to the Alliance. Furthermore, the wizards of the Kirin Tor, led by the Archmage Antonidas, pledged Dalaran's steadfast support to Terenas' rule. Perhaps most reassuring of all was the pledge of the mighty dwarven king, Magni Bronzebeard, who vowed that the dwarves of Ironforge would forever owe a debt of honor to the Alliance for liberating Khaz Modan from the Horde's control.

Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge

There were a handful of powerful individuals scattered throughout the world who heard the Lich King's mental summons from Northrend. Most notable of them was the archmage of Dalaran, Kel'Thuzad, who was one of senior members of the Kirin Tor, Dalaran's ruling council. He had been considered a maverick for years due to his insistence on studying the forbidden arts of necromancy. Driven to learn all he could of the magical world and its shadowy wonders, he was frustrated by what he saw as his peers' outmoded and unimaginative precepts. Upon hearing the powerful summons from Northrend, the archmage bent all of his considerable will to communing with the mysterious voice. Convinced that the Kirin Tor was too squeamish to seize the power and knowledge inherent in the dark arts, he resigned himself to learn what he could from the immensely powerful Lich King.

Leaving behind his fortune and prestigious political standing, Kel'Thuzad abandoned the ways of the Kirin Tor and left Dalaran forever. Prodded by the Lich King's persistent voice in his mind, he sold his vast holdings and stored away his fortunes. Traveling alone over many leagues of both land and sea, he finally reached the frozen shores of Northrend. Intent on reaching Icecrown and offering his services to the Lich King, the archmage passed through the ravaged, war-torn ruins of Azjol-Nerub. Kel'Thuzad saw firsthand the scope and ferocity of Ner'zhul's power. He began to realize that allying himself with the mysterious Lich King might be both wise and potentially fruitful.

After long months of trekking through the harsh arctic wastelands, Kel'Thuzad finally reached the dark glacier of Icecrown. He boldly approached Ner'zhul's dark citadel and was shocked when the undead guardsmen silently let him pass as though he was expected. Kel'Thuzad descended deep into the cold earth and found his way down to the bottom of the glacier. There, in the endless cavern of ice and shadows, he prostrated himself before the Frozen Throne and offered his soul to the dark lord of the dead.

The Lich King was pleased with his latest conscript. He promised Kel'Thuzad immortality and great power in exchange for his loyalty and obedience. Eager for dark knowledge and power, Kel'Thuzad accepted his first great mission: to go into the world of men and found a new religion that would worship the Lich King as a god.

To help the archmage accomplish his mission, Ner'zhul left Kel'Thuzad's humanity intact. The aged yet still charismatic wizard was charged with using his powers of illusion and persuasion to lull the downtrodden, disenfranchised masses of Lordaeron into a state of trust and belief. Then, once he had their attention, he would offer them a new vision of what society could be - and a new figurehead to call their king.

Kel'Thuzad returned to Lordaeron in disguise, and over the span of three years, he used his fortune and intellect to gather a clandestine brotherhood of like-minded men and women. The brotherhood, which he called the Cult of the Damned, promised its acolytes social equality and eternal life on Azeroth in exchange for their service and obedience to Ner'zhul. As the months passed, Kel'Thuzad found many eager volunteers for his new cult amongst the tired, overburdened laborers of Lordaeron. It was surprisingly easy for Kel'Thuzad to achieve his goal: namely, to transfer the citizens' faith in the Holy Light into belief in Ner'zhul's dark shadow. As the Cult of the Damned grew in size and influence, Kel'Thuzad made sure to hide its workings from the authorities of Lordaeron.

With Kel'Thuzad's success in Lordaeron, the Lich King made the final preparations for his assault against human civilization. Placing his plague-energies into a number of portable artifacts called plague-cauldrons, Ner'zhul ordered Kel'Thuzad to transport the cauldrons to Lordaeron, where they would be hidden within various cult-controlled villages. The cauldrons, protected by the loyal cultists, would then act as plague-generators, sending the plague seeping out across the unsuspecting farmlands and cities of northern Lordaeron.

The Lich King's plan worked perfectly. Many of Lordaeron's northern villages were contaminated almost immediately. Just as in Northrend, the citizens who contracted the plague died and arose as the Lich King's willing slaves. The cultists under Kel'Thuzad were eager to die and be raised again in their dark lord's service. They exulted in the prospect of immortality through undeath. As the plague spread, more and more feral zombies arose in the northlands. Kel'Thuzad looked upon the Lich King's growing army and named it the Scourge, for soon it would march upon the gates of Lordaeron and scour humanity from the face of the world.

Friday, 29 May 2009

The Coolest Items in World of Warcraft, and How to Get Them - Part 12 - Gnomish Poultryizer

The Gnomish Poultryizer trinket will make your target into a chicken, but it can backfire and do it to you.

The WoW item gives a 45 bones to stamina. It can be make and use only if you are a Gnomish Engineer level 340 or more. It binds on equipped so you can buy or sell it.

The cast time is only 1.5 seconds, the cool down is 5 minutes. Your opponent can move freely, can use melee attacks (reduces its damage by 66%). It does not increase HP regenerate like sheep does, but you can use it as a silence (with a 15 seconds duration). Assuming it doesn't backfire and you will get all the "goodies" yourself. The effect breaks on damage, so if you use it on a caster while fighting another mob you will not notice it too much.

It will not make any damage, and you can't use it in Arena. This item is not for the hall of fame for the good use of it (that said, some players love it for the solo possibilities it gives), but for the very cool effect you get from making a mounted chicken. It is also reported that if you cast it on a fury warrior, when they enrage you will see a giant red chicken biting you.

You can learn this one from Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Stranglethorn Vale, Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge, or from Findle Whistlesteam in Dalaran. You will need 2 Hardened Adamantite Tube (that's 60 Adamantite Bars), 2 Khorium Power Core (that's 6 Khorium Bars and a 2 Primal Fire). Also you will need 10 Arcane Dust and 2 Large Prismatic Shard.

So you will need to get some gold to make it. You can get this free gold guide if you want to be able to afford yourself all the cool WOW items and mach more and you will also receive all the tips and tricks to the game.

If you enjoyed the reading you can find more on this topic and on related subject in this World of Warcraft site.

Alon Pyade is a wow fun and player that make the gold making process part of the game itself.

WoW Power Leveling Secrets Revealed

Power Leveling is the term used to describe the process of quickly rising through the levels in World of Warcraft. There are now 80 levels that can be reached (there were 70 until Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack was released). Reaching these high levels is very tough however. Some players take years, other can do it in months, and some people who use power leveling techniques can achieve the ultimate level in less than a couple of weeks.

If you don't want to waste time on low levels and to jump right up to high levels, there are 2 ways you can do it. Firstly, you could use an expensive WoW power leveling service (there are numerous providers on the internet), or you could simply do the power leveling yourself. In this article I'll reveal some useful power leveling tips and tricks.

Network with some Higher Level Players

A great way to get experience points quickly is to network with other players who have higher ranking that you. The advantage in doing this is that you will be able to conquer powerful beasts and cash in on a heap of XP points. This is something a low level player would have no chance of doing alone.

Use Grinding to Level Up

Grinding is another way that you can effectively and quickly move up through the levels. Many people find grinding boring, especially when you are doing it non-stop, but grinding is a great way to earn XP points and as a result, a great way to level up quickly.

The Questing Method

Questing is fun and gives a lot of experience points and bonuses. Questing is in my opiniong the fastest and most effective power leveling technique, especially when combined with grinding. Some quests require that you are at a certain level before you can take them.

If a quest is taking you a long time to complete, consider abandoning it by clicking the Abandon button which is in the quest log. Don't bother wasting your time with slow quests when power leveling.

If you are serious about WoW power leveling through to a high level in a short space of time, I highly recommend considering using a WoW Leveling Guide. Several of these types of guides are available, some of which come with in game addons which really are priceless.

Seth Symonds is a WoW veteran with over 4 years of game experience. Discover how Seth gets to Level 80 in under 6 days using the Ultimate WoW Guide.

War of the Spider

While Thrall was liberating his brethren in Lordaeron, Ner'zhul continued to build up his power base in Northrend. A great citadel was erected above the Icecrown Glacier and manned by the growing legions of the dead. Yet as the Lich King extended his influence over the land, one shadowy empire stood against his power. The ancient subterranean kingdom of Azjol-Nerub, which had been founded by a race of sinister humanoid spiders, sent their elite warrior-guard to attack Icecrown and end the Lich King's mad bid for dominance. Much to his frustration, Ner'zhul found that the evil nerubians were immune not only to the plague, but to his telepathic domination as well.

The nerubian spider-lords commanded vast forces and had an underground network that stretched nearly half the breadth of Northrend. Their hit-and-run tactics on the Lich King's strongholds stymied his efforts to root them out time after time. Ultimately Ner'zhul's war against the nerubians was won by attrition. With the aid of the sinister dreadlords and innumerable undead warriors, the Lich King invaded Azjol-Nerub and brought its subterranean temples crashing down upon the spider lords' heads.

Though the nerubians were immune to his plague, Ner'zhul's growing necromantic powers allowed him to raise the spider-warriors' corpses and bend them to his will. As a testament to their tenacity and fearlessness, Ner'zhul adopted the nerubians' distinctive architectural style for his own fortresses and structures. Left to rule his kingdom unopposed, the Lich King began preparing for his true mission in the world. Reaching out into the human lands with his vast consciousness, the Lich King called out to any dark soul that would listen....

The New Horde

The chief warden of the internment camps, Aedelas Blackmoore, watched over the captive orcs from his prison-stronghold, Durnholde. One orc in particular had always held his interest: the orphaned infant he had found nearly eighteen years before. Blackmoore had raised the young male as a favored slave and named him Thrall. Blackmoore taught the orc about tactics, philosophy, and combat. Thrall was even trained as a gladiator. All the while, the corrupt warden sought to mold the orc into a weapon.

Despite his harsh upbringing, young Thrall grew into a strong, quick-witted orc, and he knew in his heart that a slave's life was not for him. As he grew to maturity, he learned about his people, the orcs, whom he had never met: after their defeat, most of them had been placed in internment camps. Rumor had it that Doomhammer, the orc leader, had escaped from Lordaeron and gone into hiding. Only one rogue clan still operated in secret, trying to evade the watchful eyes of the Alliance.

The resourceful yet inexperienced Thrall decided to escape from Blackmoore's fortress and set off to find others of his kind. During his journeys Thrall visited the internment camps and found his once-mighty race to be strangely cowed and lethargic. Having not found the proud warriors he hoped to discover, Thrall set out to find the last undefeated orc chieftain, Grom Hellscream.

Constantly hunted by the humans, Hellscream nevertheless held onto the Horde's unquenchable will to fight. Aided only by his own devoted Warsong clan, Hellscream continued to wage an underground war against the oppression of his beleaguered people. Unfortunately, Hellscream could never find a way to rouse the captured orcs from their stupor. The impressionable Thrall, inspired by Hellscream's idealism, developed a strong empathy for the Horde and its warrior traditions.

Seeking the truth of his own origins, Thrall traveled north to find the legendary Frostwolf clan. Thrall learned that Gul'dan had exiled the Frostwolves during the early days of the First War. He also discovered that he was the son and heir of the orc hero Durotan, the true chieftain of the Frostwolves who had been murdered in the wilds nearly twenty years before.

Under the tutelage of the venerable shaman Drek'Thar, Thrall studied his people's ancient shamanistic culture, which had been forgotten under Gul'dan's evil rule. Over time, Thrall became a powerful shaman and took his rightful place as chieftain of the exiled Frostwolves. Empowered by the elements themselves and driven to find his destiny, Thrall set off to free the captive clans and heal his race of demonic corruption.

During his travels, Thrall found the aged warchief, Orgrim Doomhammer, who had been living as a hermit for many years. Doomhammer, who had been a close friend of Thrall's father, decided to follow the young, visionary orc and help him free the captive clans. Supported by many of the veteran chieftains, Thrall ultimately succeeded in revitalizing the Horde and giving his people a new spiritual identity.

To symbolize his people's rebirth, Thrall returned to Blackmoore's fortress of Durnholde and put a decisive end to his former master's plans by laying siege to the internment camps. This victory was not without its price: during the liberation of one camp, Doomhammer fell in battle.

Thrall took up Doomhammer's legendary warhammer and donned his black plate-armor to become the new warchief of the Horde. During the following months, Thrall's small but volatile Horde laid waste to the internment camps and stymied the Alliance's best efforts to counter his clever strategies. Encouraged by his best friend and mentor, Grom Hellscream, Thrall worked to ensure that his people would never be slaves again.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Lethargy of the Orcs

Months passed, and more orc prisoners were rounded up and placed within the internment camps. As the camps began to overflow, the Alliance was forced to construct new camps in the plains south of the Alterac Mountains. To properly maintain and supply the growing number of camps, King Terenas levied a new tax on the Alliance nations. This tax, along with increased political tensions over border disputes, created widespread unrest. It seemed that the fragile pact that had forged the human nations together in their darkest hour would break at any given moment.

Amidst the political turmoil, many of the camp wardens began to notice an unsettling change come over their orc captives. The orcs' efforts to escape from the camps or even fight amongst themselves had greatly decreased in frequency over time. The orcs were becoming increasingly aloof and lethargic. Though it was difficult to believe, the orcs - once held as the most aggressive race ever seen on Azeroth - had completely lost their will to fight. The strange lethargy confounded the Alliance leaders and continued to take its toll on the rapidly weakening orcs.

Some speculated that some strange disease, contractible only by orcs, brought about the baffling lethargy. But Archmage Antonidas of Dalaran posed a different hypothesis. Researching what little he could find of orcish history, Antonidas learned that the orcs had been under the crippling influence of demonic power for generations. He speculated that the orcs had been corrupted by these powers even before their first invasion of Azeroth. Clearly, demons had spiked the orcs' blood, and in turn the brutes had been granted unnaturally heightened strength, endurance, and aggression.

Antonidas theorized that the orcs' communal lethargy was not actually a disease, but a consequence of racial withdrawal from the volatile warlock magics that had made them fearsome, bloodlusted warriors. Though the symptoms were clear, Antonidas was unable to find a cure for the orcs' present condition. Then too, many of his fellow mages, as well as a few notable Alliance leaders, argued that finding a cure for the orcs would be an imprudent venture. Left to ponder the orcs' mysterious condition, Antonidas' conclusion was that the orcs' cure would have to be a spiritual one.

The Coolest Items in World of Warcraft and How to Get Them - Part 2 - Piccolo of the Flaming Fire

This series of articles will cover the rarest and most desired items in the world of Warcraft game.

For each item covered you will find in the article - how to get the item, if there is any added cost to the item and the advantages you will get for using it (if any). The Piccolo of the Flaming Fire is a drop down item. This WoW item binds when you pick it up so it cannot be sold, and you cannot buy it on the AH.

You can get it from Hearthsinger Forresten, he can be found in Stratholme. This is a 55-60 Dungeon in Eastern Plaguelands, you can solo it if you are 70 level or more. The pin point of Hearthsinger Forresten is changing, you can find him in upper sidewalk in Market Row (46.9, 49.9) or in Festival lane (58.0, 52.7). He is a rare spawn so you will not find him in every run of Stratholme. One way to find if he did spawn is using "/Target Hearthsinger Forresten", If he did you will know.

You can use the Key to the City (Master Key to the City of Stratholme) that Magistrate Barthilas (58 Elite) drop to save some time. Magistrate Barthilas is another boss you will find inside Stratholme waiting at the church near the service entrance. If you have the key you can use the service entrance gate and get to Hearthsinger Forresten faster.

So why you will need the Piccolo of the Flaming Fire? What does it do?

The Piccolo of the Flaming Fire is a Trinket that Requires Level 53 to use. It will make everyone from your faction (Alliance or Horde) within 5 yard radius to do the /dance action. No special use for it except for the fun of it. You can use it to screw gold seller in automatic mood.

When you use the Piccolo it will first make you dance, then make a sound. This sound will put a buff like that will causes nearby persons to dance. The buff will break if you will go out of dance mood. You can have some fun in large group or near the mailbox.

One more fun item is the D.I.S.C.O .

D.I.S.C.O. comes from the World of Warcraft TCG (trading card game) in the form of a loot card. Loot cards are special rare versions of WoW TCG cards found in booster packs, starter decks, and raid decks that have a unique code so you can redeem it for the item. This item Binds when picked up as well so you will not have a chance to buy it on AH. The card will cost you like 50$ in eBay (that is not so high if you consider that the average cost of obtaining this particular loot is $490.00 if you buy the cards them self).

The D.I.S.C.O. works for all character from Alliance or Horde, at all levels. When the player clicks on the D.I.S.C.O. ball he will start to dance.

If you enjoyed the reading you can find more on this topic and on related subject in this World of Warcraft site. If you want to be able to afford yourself all the cool WOW items and mach more download this free gold guide and you will also receive all the tips and tricks to the game.

Alon Pyade is a wow fun and player that make the gold making process part of the game itself. You can find lots more information on the

World of Warcraft Leveling Bots - The Easy Way to Lose Your WoW Account

World of Warcraft leveling bots promise to handle all the menial tasks that we all hate. Leveling from 1-80 is a long process, so many players look to programs to handle this boring task. Since you are here reading this, that must mean you are also looking for the easy way out. Be warned, this will get your account banned permanently.

These programs can do much more than just level your character from 1-80. They can also designed to farm for gold, to fish, and do repetitive profession tasks (like Gem Cutting). There are also quite a few for farming honor for PvP. But they also hide a nasty surprise.

World of Warcraft leveling bots are nothing more than game hacks that are designed to dupe the system into believing a normal person is on the other end. Blizzard will definitely ban your account from the game if you are caught using a leveling bot, or similar cheat. They simply did not design the game to be played as a single player game, and will take actions against those who try to treat it that way.

WoW leveling bots are also known to house key loggers. These key loggers, as the name states, log the keys you press on your keyboard. Information that they can gain includes:

Your account information .

Your Credit Card information if you buy things online.

Other confidential passwords and information that you enter into your computer.

The price you pay for these programs can potentially be much higher than advertised.

If you are considering downloading a World of Warcraft leveling bot, think about what can happen. Not only to your World of Warcraft account, but your life.

Click Here to find a better solution to downloading these hacks.

Monday, 25 May 2009

WoW Gold Troubles

Like millions of other players, I love to play wow. My WoW gold stash was steady for a long time. After awhile I wanted to get a lot of new armor sets and weapons, but I found myself broke again. Farming seems to take longer and longer with the prices of the things I want going up. An epic flying mount is something I have wanted for a long time. As much as I want it though, I do not want to spend over 100 hours farming for it.

So I ended up asking people on forums and reading blogs on their ways to farm gold. Some things they said worked, however it was not enough to get what I wanted. A lot of people end up saying the same thing over and over how you need money to make money. Many ways require you to be level 80 and I did not want to take all that time just to level up.

After searching online I finally found something that I thought I should try. The book I found helped me make thousands daily. With easy to read pages and in depth content, my gold troubles were gone! Most people don't realize that the answer to their problems is right in front of their face. Getting an epic flying mount will make anyone smile, especially if it only took them a few days to get it.

After reading through over 300 pages there is a lot of things that I learned. The easiest way players can make gold is to buy low and sell high. Also where you are buying items is very important. Also the myth of fishing not being profitable is a total lie. Again location is everything and it proves it self over and over again. Farming is not necessary and neither is being level 70 or higher! Knowledge is power in the game of Warcraft and that is exactly what I gained from reading.

There is nothing worse than having to beg people for money. I stepped down to that level once, but never again! Now I have money to throw around on anything that I desire.

For more information on wow gold guides that suit you, check out these lenses.

The Coolest Items in World of Warcraft, and How to Get Them - Part 6 - Six Demon Bag

The Six Demon Bag can be found in deferent places all over the WoW game, but your best chance to find it is on Lord Kazzak (one in sex drop down or so). This WoW item binds when equipped, so it can be trade or buy / sold in the auction house. You can find it for as low as 30 gold to 200 gold in some servers.

To use the item you will need to be a 46 level, the item have the ability to: "Blasts enemies in front of you with the power of wind, fire, all that kind of thing!" That say you will have a deferent outcome or effect when you use it. The effects records for this item are:



3.Chain lightning




The Frostbolt effect will do 150 damage in average and can have a slows target movement effect as well.

The Fireball effect will do 200 damage in average.

The Chain lightning effect will do 175 damage in average, but to up to 3 deferent mobs.

The Polymorph effect will make you or your target into a Sheep (with the health regen effect- Just like the mage one).

The Whirlwind effect will stun your target for about 10 seconds, and any damage to the target will remove the effect.

The Felhunter effect will summon a Felhunter for 30 seconds, the Felhunter will do a 1000 damage in average, and if he will use the manaburn ability even more. The manaburn will do a 300 damage and burn a 600 mana as well.

Above all this is an instant spell and with only 3 minute cool down, and low level as 46, this item is very cool indeed.

One point however, Lord Kazzak can be found in south west of the Blasted Lands (in the the Tainted Scar portion of the zone). He is a boss and you will need a raid for him - so no easy "get it right now" solution. I recommend to buy it if possible.

Get this free gold guide if you want to be able to afford yourself all the cool WOW items and mach more and you will also receive all the tips and tricks to the game. If you enjoyed the reading you can find more on this topic and on related subject in this World of Warcraft site

Alon Pyade is a wow fun and player that make the WoW gold making process part of the game itself.

The Battle of Grim Batol

Meanwhile, in the war-torn lands of the south, the scattered remnants of the Horde fought for their very survival. Though Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan managed to evade capture, Deadeye and his Bleeding Hollow clan were rounded up and placed in the internment camps in Lordaeron. Notwithstanding these costly uprisings, the camps' wardens soon re-established control over their brutish charges.

However, unknown to the Alliance, a large force of orcs still roamed free in the northern wastes of Khaz Modan. The Dragonmaw clan, led by the infamous warlock Nekros, was using an ancient artifact known as the Demon Soul to control the Dragonqueen, Alexstrasza, and her dragonflight. With the Dragonqueen as his hostage, Nekros built up a secret army within the abandoned - some say cursed - Wildhammer stronghold of Grim Batol. Planning to unleash his forces and the mighty red dragons on the Alliance, Nekros hoped to reunite the Horde and continue its conquest of Azeroth. His vision did not come to pass: a small group of resistance fighters, led by the human mage Rhonin managed to destroy the Demon Soul and free the Dragonqueen from Nekros' command.

In their fury, Alexstrasza's dragons tore Grim Batol apart and incinerated the greater bulk of the Dragonmaw clan. Nekros' grand schemes of reunification came crashing down as the Alliance troops rounded up the remaining orc survivors and threw them into the waiting internment camps. The Dragonmaw clan's defeat signaled the end of the Horde, and the end of the orcs' furious bloodlust.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

WOW Gold : Fastest Powerleveling

One of the fastest ways to level in the WoW game...This strategy has been tested by many people and myself so it absolutely works great...Here are the main spots to grind...Monsters that are ranged are tougher to do this strategy on...Tips for the Mage...Mage Build...Priest Build...

This strategy has been tested by many people and myself so it absolutely works great! On the down side this strategy only works with mages and priests. A group of a mage and a priest is the ideal way for this strategy to work.

Once mage gets instant arcane explosion then it is off to the races by killing groups of monsters slightly lower level than the mage/priest and be able to kill 10-20 of the mobs at once using AOE spells from the mage and the priest's flash heal spell but can also do it without the flash heal spell to some degree.

Here are the main spots to grind:

lvl 20-22 humaoids in mine in Windshear Crag, Stonetalon Mtns

lvl 24-30 furlbolg camps in Ashenvale

lvl 28-30 humamoids in Azureload mine

lvl 32-35 humanoid farms in Arathi Highlands (Dabryie's Farmstead is GREAT)

lvl 35-36 murlocks in northeastern dustwallow marsh.

lvl 35-39 trolls in northern Stranglethorn Vale.

lvl 36-40 Syndicate camps north of Tarren Mill and into Alterac Mountains (beware casters in some of the camps!).

lvl 44-45 humanoid pirates on the east coast of Tanaris.

lvl 46-48 Rage Scar Yetis in Feralas.

lvl 53-54 undead at Dalson's Tears in Western Plaguelands (great! but make sure you can ward off fear somehow).

lvl 57-60 Ogres in Deadwind pass.

Remember that there are many more great places that this will work (at some cases better) than the spots listed here. The only reason they are not listed is because they haven't been found yet! Here are a few pointers to keep in mind when finding a place to use this strategy.

Monsters that are ranged are tougher to do this strategy on, but not impossible.

Avoid monsters that silence, mana burn, fear, sleep, etc.

Target monsters a few levels lower than your mage for maximum XP yield.

Tips for the Mage

Use frost nova to root monsters so that you can AOE them without getting damaged as much. Also remember that you can combo frost nova with cone of cold for some massive damage if you are frost specced!

If the priest is getting hit you are both dead since his heals will be interrupted. Make sure you move around to keep aggro on all monsters.

Frost nova will also prevent mobs from running when they get low hp.

Mage Build

Pretty much any build will do, just make sure that you have improved arcane explosion. If you go frost make sure to get improved crit % of cone of cold as well as lower the cooldown on frost nova. If you go fire then combustion is nice for that initial bang.

Priest Build

Improved PW:S is a very wise investment. Also improved flash heal (70% chance to not be interrupted) is a good thing to have if you want your mage to be able to survive while you are getting hit, however it is not necessary if your mage is doing his job.

Finally, a mage can do this himself without a priest but it is much less efficient. Typically a mage can only do this to 3-5 monsters at a time maximum because of their low hp and no healing abilities. If you do the math, 5/1 is less than 20/2 so by duoing with a priest you are actually increasing your own profits!

WOW Gold Slayer Overview

Once you have a Prayer level of 31...Summoning Familiars...If you have completed the Nature Spirit...If you go to the grotto and pray at the altar, you will temporarily gain 2 extra Prayer points...It is possible to use this function up to twelve times before having to...Prayer of Deliverance from Poisons...Once you have completed the Shades of Mort'ton quest...

Once you have a Prayer level of 31, Abbot Langley will allow you to enter the Monastery, located west of Edgeville.

Inside there is an altar, which gives a temporary boost to your Prayer, and monks who will heal you for free. You will also be able to ask Brother Jered to enchant any holy symbols you make, as well as some monk's robes lying around that you can take.

Summoning Familiars

Using the Summoning skill, you'll find that there are a few familiars that might be useful for training your Prayer. Of particular note is the abyssal parasite, which slows the Prayer drain you get while in the Abyss.


If you have completed the Nature Spirit, you will be able to train on Ghasts as a way of increasing your Prayer level.

You will need to ensure that you have a blessed silver sickle and a druid pouch full of flowers, gathered using 'cast bloom' from the sickle.

You can simply walk about until a Ghast attacks you, or you can use the druid pouch on a Ghast to make it attackable. If you defeat it, you will receive 30 Prayer experience as well as any normal experience you would receive for engaging in combat.

More powerful Ghasts exist in the deep swamps of Mort Myre, although these routes are usually only taken by experienced guides aiding villagers from Burgh de Rott in the Temple Trekking minigame. These Ghasts are known to give Prayer experience in the range of 80, 110 and 140 depending on the creature you run into.

Note: If you go to the grotto and pray at the altar, you will temporarily gain 2 extra Prayer points.

The Ectofuntus

If you have completed the Ghosts Ahoy Quest, then you are able to use the Ectofuntus to increase your Prayer level.

All you need to do is grind up bones in the bone grinder on the top floor of the Ectofuntus temple - this will make bonemeal (you will need an empty pot to collect it in). Then fill up a bucket with ectoplasm from the very bottom level of the temple and return to the main floor (the one with Necrovarius and the Ectofuntus in). Click on the Ectofuntus and choose the “Worship” option, both the ectoplasm and the bonemeal will be destroyed in the process, though you will gain four times the normal amount of experience for your bones.

It is possible to use this function up to twelve times before having to speak with an acolyte to receive your ecto-tokens (a form of currency used in Port Phasmatys). It is also possible to get more than one batch of ectoplasm and bonemeal with

Each trip, so make sure you use your time wisely.

The amount of experience you gain depends on the type of bones you grind.

Poison Book: Prayer of Deliverance from Poisons

During The Great Brain Robbery you will find a Saradomin prayer book that can be used to ward off poison.

If you are poisoned: first, equip a blessed symbol of Saradomin, then simply right-click on the book and choose the “Recite-prayer” option. It will cost you some Prayer points, relative to how badly you are poisoned, but you will be cured.

Player Owned Houses

Chapels built in your house can be used to train Prayer as well.

The Shades of Mort'ton

Once you have completed the Shades of Mort'ton quest, then you will be able to cremate shades as a way of increasing your Prayer level and receiving various rewards.

The Paterdomus Columbarium

If you have completed Legacy of Seergaze, you will also be able to burn Vyrewatch remains in the Paterdomus Columbarium using pyre logs. Vyrewatch corpses can only be burnt using teak pyre logs or better.

WoW articles

Whatever your currently doing in Azeroth, I bet you are thinking "There must be an easier way of doing this"! Well, there probably is! A Good World of Warcraft Tip and Trick can, in many cases show you how to do thing twice or more times as well!

Be sure to log out inside of an Inn or major town to build up your rest bonus. This bonus is determined by how long you are in the rest area (captial cities count in their enterity) and caps at approximately 1.5 levels worth of xp doubling which takes about 2 weeks in a rest area to hit.

This time accrues whether you are logged in or not so ALWAYS log in an inn or capital city.

Get cosmos UI from Its free and legal.Get as many quests as possible, simultaneously. Do not do quests one at a time. When entering a new map region, go to the main town first, then speak to all the NPC's, get all the quest, and then proceed to explore. Remember that some quests can be a waste of time, requiring you spend an hour running to and from different people. Don't be afraid to abandon quests in favor of other ones. Don’t waste time on crappy quests.Autoloot everything. Shift + Right Click on a kill. Saves time.

Use groups to your advantage. Grouping will immensely speed up your power game, but do it only when necessary. About 25% of the quests are group quests, and you will waste time trying to solo them; unless you wait until you are a few levels higher and the quest becomes green (good tip for solo'ers). The rest of the quests, you can solo. There are some conditions here, however: Beware of inefficient groups - A group that doodles around or keeps dying trying to complete a quest will slow you down. You are better off soloing in this case. If you are a Shaman, or a Paladin or have a quick way to heal yourself and mele both, then you may be better

off soloing more often than not. Warriors and types that mele well but can't heal, and priests and mages who have little armor function are better in groups. Groups can work well; but they must be efficient groups.

Leveling grinder; killing stuff a few levels below you (con green) is a great way to quickly rack up EXP and grind out a level. Yes, its boring, but it pays. You don't take much damage, you kill them fast, you have quick recovery (low down time). Fast, numerous smaller EXP gains add up over time much quicker than higher, but slower EXP gains with more down time. If you are struggling with a quest, you may want to consider 'level grinding' yourself by spending time killing lesser creatures and then tackle the quest.

Doing quests 3 or more levels higher than you, or an elite quest solo may only take excess time, unless you are in a group, don’t attempt them. If you spend 5 hours trying to do a level 15 quest and you are at level 13, you may get it done. But in those same 5 hours, you could have made level 15 simply by killing stuff 2-3 levels beneath you. And then doing the quest in 1 hour. So in 6 hours, you get the quest done, and are at level 15, as opposed to finishing the quest in 5 hours and still being at level 13. It’s so tempting to go for that mob boss who's three levels above you and finish your quest solo. You could literally waste 10 hours, or even days trying. BUT, if you get in a group, then you can do it in a cinch. OR you can 'level grind' yourself. This is the heart of powering through this game to the upper levels.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

The Easy Gold Fix in World of Warcraft

A lot of people seem to think that there´s some magical way to make thousands of gold over night, and sure, there probably is but I haven't found it yet. If you have, please let me in on the secret.

Of course if you loot a good world drop epic or such, you will probably make a few thousand WoW golds fast, but it´s not really something you can do again easily. And what we're after is things we can reproduce and do over and over again.

And that brings us to the point of this article. When you are making gold in WoW you have to put in some time every day to get the silver and gold to trickle in. Usually you need to invest more time in the beginning to learn how things work and what are good things to make money with on your server.

A lot of the strategies for making a bunch of gold in WoW are related to using and learning the AH in a good way and it´s the best way in terms of steady income and things that you can reproduce and do over and over. And as I stated earlier, that´s what you're after - things that you can do again and again and where you can expect a similar result each time.

If you are leveling and you are after making a lot of gold fast it might be a good idea to pick up two gathering professions (skinning, herbalism and mining) while you are going through the levels and just selling the materials on the AH as you get them. This is of course just to gain gold quickly. If you wish to get professions for end-game already and level them as you go, then you probably have an idea for what you should pick to fit your character. In my experience, there are some professions that are better than others for making gold, if that´s what you're after.

Back to subject a bit. What you should do is to learn the auction house and see what things seem to sell well on your server and you can probably get an idea of what to look for in the previous articles on Start with looking at crafting materials, they are usually attractive and it´s a good place to start looking.

You might want to look into getting an addon that helps you with your AH experiences. There are some good ones out there that help quite a bit. I´m personally using Auctioneer at the moment and it have some really nice features even if some seem a bit overwhelming at first. So you could look into the AH addons as well.

So to summarize, try to learn the AH trends a bit, follow the market on the things you decide to try selling and see how stable the market is. And then start making WoW golds. Tons of gold hopefully. As you learn, expand to include new items.

Wow leveling guides

Many online game players want to have great wow life and get much pleasure from their playing with leveling guide for wow. But sometimes they cannot realise their dream just depending on themselves. Getting some wow leveling guide is very important for those who want to be a excellent player. A friend of mine is very fond of playing wow and he has played the game for long time. But because he always ignored learning from some wow leveling guide. He cannot do very well in that game and he often envy those high-leveled players. Later, someone suggested he search for some forum on the Internet and pay attention to the wow leveling guide and wow fishing leveling guide on them. After he did like this for several times, he found it was really very useful. He told me that if he learned from wow leveling guide earlier, he should do better now. He has learned much experience from those wow leveling guides from various resources on the Internet. He prefer to the wow leveling guide posted by those veteran players. And he has made friends with many other players, they always recommended very useful wow leveling guide to him. He summarized several ways about finding good wow leveling guide. First is the official website of the game, from it you always can see some wow leveling guide.

The second way is from the forums closely related with wow, many good players will post the articles about wow leveling guide on it. But you should do some judge work here. Because there would be some mistakes in these wow leveling guides. If you accept everything in it, you may mislead by it. The result will be that you do a worse job than before. The third way to get the world of warcraft 60 70 leveling guide is from those e-books or professionals in the industry. That will be very useful, but you may pay for it. The last way is from your friends who are very good at play wow. Because he know you well, he can give you wow leveling guide which is best suitable for you. My friend has now become a veteran player himself and he always give wow leveling guide to others.

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Friday, 22 May 2009


1.What is World of Warcraft?

World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). In World of Warcraft, thousands of players adventure together in an enormous, persistent game world, forming friendships, slaying monsters, and engaging in epic quests that can span days or weeks.

2.What is an MMORPG?

MMORPG stands for "massively multiplayer online role-playing game." In an MMORPG, thousands of players exist in the same game world at the same time. This creates an incredibly rich and active environment in which interesting things are constantly taking place. MMORPGs provide thousands of hours of game play, with a nearly infinite variety of goals to achieve across a vast world covering miles of land and sea. For World of Warcraft, we also add new content on a regular basis, thus ensuring that there will always be new adventures, new locations, new creatures, and new items to discover.

3.How does World of Warcraft differ from other MMORPGs?

World of Warcraft differs from other MMORPGs in many ways. Players complete quests and experience the world at their own pace, whether it be a few hours here and there or entire weeks at a time. Additionally, our quest system provides an enormous variety of captivating quests with story elements, dynamic events, and flexible reward systems. World of Warcraft also features a faster style of play, with less downtime and an emphasis on combat and tactics against multiple opponents.

4.Is there a monthly fee to play the game?

Yes. After the end of the free month included with the game, you need a subscription in order to continue playing the game. There are three subscription options: a month-to-month package at $14.99 per month, a three-month plan at $13.99 per month, and a six-month plan at $12.99 per month. The subscription fees for the three-month plan and the six-month plan must be paid in full.

5.Why isn't World of Warcraft free?

The fee is used to support the costs associated with the high-quality levels of service, support, and ongoing content creation that go into World of Warcraft.

6.Are there multiple methods of payment?

Yes, customers can pay their subscription fees using credit cards, PayPal, and pre-paid game cards, which can be purchased in many game and electronics stores. Other payment types may be added in the future.

7.Is there a version of World of Warcraft for the Mac?


8.Can I use my World of Warcraft discs on my Mac and PC?

Yes, the discs are compatible with both Mac and PC.

9.What is The Burning Crusade?

The Burning Crusade is the first expansion to World of Warcraft. View the features of the expansion on the

The Battle of Grim Batol

Meanwhile, in the war-torn lands of the south, the scattered remnants of the Horde fought for their very survival. Though Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan managed to evade capture, Deadeye and his Bleeding Hollow clan were rounded up and placed in the internment camps in Lordaeron. Notwithstanding these costly uprisings, the camps' wardens soon re-established control over their brutish charges.

However, unknown to the Alliance, a large force of orcs still roamed free in the northern wastes of Khaz Modan. The Dragonmaw clan, led by the infamous warlock Nekros, was using an ancient artifact known as the Demon Soul to control the Dragonqueen, Alexstrasza, and her dragonflight. With the Dragonqueen as his hostage, Nekros built up a secret army within the abandoned - some say cursed - Wildhammer stronghold of Grim Batol. Planning to unleash his forces and the mighty red dragons on the Alliance, Nekros hoped to reunite the Horde and continue its conquest of Azeroth. His vision did not come to pass: a small group of resistance fighters, led by the human mage Rhonin managed to destroy the Demon Soul and free the Dragonqueen from Nekros' command.

In their fury, Alexstrasza's dragons tore Grim Batol apart and incinerated the greater bulk of the Dragonmaw clan. Nekros' grand schemes of reunification came crashing down as the Alliance troops rounded up the remaining orc survivors and threw them into the waiting internment camps. The Dragonmaw clan's defeat signaled the end of the Horde, and the end of the orcs' furious bloodlust.

Icecrown and the Frozen Throne

Kil'jaeden cast Ner'zhul's icy cask back into the world of Azeroth. The hardened crystal streaked across the night sky and smashed into the desolate arctic continent of Northrend, burying itself deep within the Icecrown glacier. The frozen crystal, warped and scarred by its violent descent, came to resemble a throne, and Ner'zhul's vengeful spirit soon stirred within it.

From the confines of the Frozen Throne, Ner'zhul began to reach out his vast consciousness and touch the minds of Northrend's native inhabitants. With little effort, he enslaved the minds of many indigenous creatures, including ice trolls and fierce wendigo, and he drew their evil brethren into his growing shadow. His psychic WoW powerleveling proved to be almost limitless, and he used them to create a small army that he housed within Icecrown's twisting labyrinths. As the Lich King mastered his growing abilities under the dreadlords' persistent vigil, he discovered a remote human settlement on the fringe of the vast Dragonblight. On a whim, Ner'zhul decided to test his powers on the unsuspecting humans.

Ner'zhul cast a plague of undeath - which had originated from deep within the Frozen Throne, out into the arctic wasteland. Controlling the plague with his will alone, he drove it straight into the human village. Within three days, everyone in the settlement was dead, but shortly thereafter, the dead villagers began to rise as zombified corpses. Ner'zhul could feel their individual spirits and thoughts as if they were his own. The raging cacophony in his mind caused Ner'zhul to grow even more powerful, as if their spirits provided him with much-needed nourishment. He found it was child's play to control the zombies' actions and steer them to whatever end he wished.

Over the following months, Ner'zhul continued to experiment with his plague of undeath by subjugating every human inhabitant of Northrend. With his army of undead growing daily, he knew that the time for his true test was nearing.

World of warcraft touching the pastor 2

Once upon a time, they can completely without any casualties under the condition of the strategy, which is pres la malgue fathers mage has ever dreamed, but a reality. He glanced at the priest beside stealing, is still being carefree ground drinking yourself. The water,

"Do you support the team..." In my heart so honored the mage. "Because you and honor, the team hopes one day you can also for team and honor." A team of 20 from four priests and for two druid, two paladins, has strong to need only he and another three pastor of the druid and total collocation of a paladin.

Gradually, the responsibility if still keep dwarf cleric all team went, without any complaints.

"This equipment can ascend spell damage." Team captain from magic item loot around, out of body, the mage and shouted: "the warlock is preferred."

At the side of the silent mage, stand pastor said: "the fathers of our LABS Chris is easy. I suggest this equipment can let alone, they sometimes priests in the field or a captive."

"Have to make wrong?"

"Is also want to take up DMG outfit?"

"When the nurse treated outfit darling is good."

They were buzzing.

"The wizard and warlocks priority." Team captain said, faintly in the hand of the equipment to join a team of new warlock.

"Yuck! What spell priority?" Toward the mage spit, low voice say: "there is a constant in not always get on?"

"Forget it." Short animal husbandry thy skirts pulled mage, barely a smile to say: "that is equipped with just..."

"But it also represents them on whether you respect..." Mages will want to say forcefully swallowed, looking back and got the warlock, he rejoiced at just three days, and into the team of the priests had support group for three months.

"The first." Mage from pockets out a handful of COINS into a priest, another hand to hand clasped, said: "you take to repair equipment, buy mana potion, I can do anything, only this."

Pastor tried to refuse, but raise head to look at the mage firm, he bowed low and said: "thank you."

The molten core.

This is a bad idea. Mage constantly mumble.

Contains four pastor, a druid, two paladins, whole team thirty men wanted to the molten core, this isn't too have courage, is no mischief.

"The dahaka is just the troll god only, so ugly that the troll who worship him, so he's power is so small." Mage nearly moaning to say: "but we now in the law on the site, want to lay it ten strong hands occupied outpost, called scarlet crusade and scourge is easier to shake hands."

"I think we can kill the lawadvantage Ann..." Detect team captain turned to stare at him, rabbi exclaimed.

"Before that, the lawadvantage Ann may because of excessive and laugh by his saliva choked to death." Mage droned a supplement.

Beside ShiXiao dwarf cleric, but then head smile, he must focus on convergence in team spirit, to cope with the state of emergency situation may occur.

As predicted, which are all very hard fight, A number of incomplete or equipment shortages in the team is very difficult in the molten survival. But even so, fill in seven full of adventurers, team all output of the life of the heat and not snuffed out.

A group of soldiers until the led a fire killed dogs.

Although the well-trained team hasn't mess, no additional casualties, they quickly kill fire dog and raised head, but not because of anger.

"Get up in the fart?" The resurrection of the just is a mouth of swearing. "Just not treated me!"

Pastor assessed in nearby, finally a face after terrain suddenly said: "you just a monster to another, we see mountain, natural cannot give you."

"As for ought to follow the first movement!" Colonel anger fails to continue to scold: "fill job is all asleep? You must follow beside me!"

"Meow! That will be the best range that fill with strange as you stand together!" Mages are out to roar, the priest took beside him.

"Movement is?" Drinking water still short husbandry, nodded and said: "I know."

"..." The other priests, the druid and paladin heard him say so, no, just dixialetou.

Bad luck seems to follow this team, death, not long, a team in attack, only fire dog by the two giants patrol, facing the multilateral against cases.

In accordance with the instructions of previous because of the tight, by colonel, therefore in the whole range of a skill and killed because.

The team also destroyed.

In terms of exchange with the spirit healers who raised after the team again.

And again the anger of the head is raised. "Why just fill the job would die first? No! You are playing your monster who died, and treatment of ah?"

"Meow! That will be the best range that fill with strange as you stand together!" Mages are out to roar, the priest took beside him.

"Movement is?" Drinking water still short husbandry, nodded and said: "I know."

"..." The other priests, the druid and paladin heard him say so, no, just dixialetou.

Bad luck seems to follow this team, death, not long, a team in attack, only fire dog by the two giants patrol, facing the multilateral against cases.

In accordance with the instructions of previous because of the tight, by colonel, therefore in the whole range of a skill and killed because.

The team also destroyed.

In terms of exchange with the spirit healers who raised after the team again.

And again the anger of the head is raised. "Why just fill the job would die first? No! You are playing your monster who died, and treatment of ah?"

"..." Mage looking back, although the short as big, but now seem to feel full of loneliness.

The channeling, bad luck in Stamford, with the priests, the rookie adventurers

The couple always taught the pastor, correct concept adventure

The silent, sit on the ground water minister,

The mage is patted absolutely won't let mage said the priest died.

At this moment of the mages, the priest of figure seems to blur, whole background blur.

"Sorry..." Mages don't understand why he choked words to say clearly. "I... I bring you to the place so bad."

"..." Short shepherd looked up and dark wizard faces to smile, in his eyes seem to comfort.

Mage took a deep breath, with the sleeve to wipe tears in the face of all, he cast the screaming to ironforge portal. "Go!"

Pastor face startled looking at him.

"Go back to your familiar place!". A smile of mage reluctantly said: "to help those who truly should be to help people."

My heart seems to be close friends, the priest got him in the crowd shouted, nodded and head of the name-calling, he entered the portal.

"Goodbye, my friend." Mages portal, closed gently said.

"Today I must beat President!" A neotenous young soldiers to say with confidence.

"I want the ZhangZi." On the side of the warlock beside the imps said gently.

The dwarf cleric did not say what, just smile and sit on the ground with a drink.

"Need mages?" A familiar voice made payable to the priest. He looked toward the direction of voice, speaking at the person with the eyes, two people of the instantaneous exchange intentionally will smiled to get up.

I'm honored to be with you together.

World of warcraft touching the pastor

A giant standing in front of my eyes, he isn't, the giant of benfica, not GuNaHai thorns elite giants. Ironically, his race only dwarf.

Not to form a defensive ring of soldiers went outside, not bear holy light of sacred mission, knight rerches in darkness thief, He just fill in the population, personal nurse, just a pastor.

He was a priest. I a mage, when I was a young wizard, although it is not big, I in several psychic institute met his adventure.

His equipment and is not very good, and no ironforge bank before those who like purple outfit that glittering, He owned, but generally Stan, channeling, blackrock spire and hammer of bad luck by wearing the skilled adventurers. But I trust him, far more than those wearing bright equipment.

"Go! I won't let you die here."

That is my face in a pile of psychic institute of flying dragon hesitates when young, he behind words. Also has been quietly in the rear with him,

For I say first sentence.

"Really?" I sing ice spells at the same time, still can doubt.

Facts have proved what he said, he let me in many times thought mortal combat, I also survived only know some battle I actually can not be denied.

"You really very good." technology After a fierce battle, I sat down, he said.

"Be?" He took me from the bosom of crystal water, watching the magic captain and other teammates are SouKuo magic item loot, only the light body with a smile.

"Your equipment and technology, should not go in this place." I have to say for his dissatisfaction.

Many times in this adventure, I began to hit him, was originally came from the security of life, and then he has not consciously as friends,

As a "partnership". So, I think his stay at the beginning of the order of his adventure zone, ability is wasted.

"A". His hands empty bottle around, I smiled.

"You can't really get...". I ShiXiao shook his head, from a group of crystal backpack out water, handed him.

"You are a priest drink." love, He smiled, continue to drink water. He looked at his teammates finished trophies, continue on another journey.

I do not know how long after, the institute of psychic experiences of small mage, no longer meet current status, he began to guild members and their fathers; pres la malgue walkthrough, They played a part, occupied the triumph of the territory, and obtain some trophies, These equipments and he had acquired in other areas of the risk is big contrast, items.

"I want him to come." One day, the consolidation warehouse mage occurred long did not meet the priest, he decided to and partners, and he decided to risk sharing all the glory and resources.

As expected, he in blackstone, met the abyss of equipment and the priest of almost no special beside, the young adventurer is a face neotenous look like, like the group of peasant. Mage think so.

"My guild." Mage very cordially invite a priest, he was thinking about not pastor after joining the team will have more powerful force, but only hope so good a partner in the care of the priest, is only.

"I should go to?" Pastor hesitate to ask, like soliloquize ground say.

"Once I go out, I will never free time, I will belong to all team, belongs to the guild, I couldn't go to help other new pretenders."

"But you can help twenty men, even forty." Open arms to mage to persuade the priest said he would have much of the road.

"We can pacify fathers, Chris LABS, the ruins, we can go to the black adventure, we can go to more places."

"When you are in these places are ripe, not just more can help to more adventurers to these new place?" Finally, this sentence, followed by a clergyman mage to what he thinks of the future.

After joining the mage guild pastor, guild strategy of pres la malgue fathers became very smooth progress, Different from many pastors and pursuit of casting speed impatience, he always sings slowly healing spells, efforts to save the spirit force. Even so, he is still the amount of, many people in almost instantly get injured, he seems to heal injuries can expect to who will advance to sing spells.

"Rhythm". The dwarf cleric is still so love drink, sipping water side answer with a puzzled the mage.

mastering the rhythm, even the team with healing spells cast time long, still can treat injured in real-time.

"HMM..." Wizard nodded indefinitely, sat down beside the priest, treasure and points to is the team captain boast.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

World of Warcraft Gold Guide Database - Enlarge Your Bags to Maximize Your Time and Profit

This is one of those easy to forget tactics in World of Warcraft, one that could cost you if you don't cover this base early on. You usually realize that you need to get on the ball on about your bags when you find that rare drop and you can't drop anything to get it because you have too many important items. Well, you need to fix that quickly because you'll feel the need bags as early as possible, especially during the first 10 levels.

Well, there are several ways to fix this but let's look at the cheapest and quickest ways first.

What does your guild have or what do your friends have? Find out, because if you can find a friendly tailor you can do some farming and get enough materials to have them make you some bags for the cheap. Tailors are capable of making almost any bag in the game, the only limitations they have is for those special bags for those special drops. If you can't find a tailor use tradechat to find one. There's a good chance you can find one that is willing to trade some labor for a good tip.

Also, do some early quests and kill mobs in transit. Humanoid mobs often drop linen cloth in the newbie zone. Get going on this early to start accumulating some cloth to use for a friendly tailor. Some of the quests are specifically for getting bags.

1.Wharf Master at Rachet: Old Moneybag, a 6 slot bag.

2.Captain Sander's Hidden Treasure - Captain Sander's Booty Bag (Alliance only) at Westfall.

3.Digging Through the Ooze in Wetlands - 10 slot bag

4.Sturdy Lunchbox 12 slot bag can sometimes be had from the drops from mobs of Venture Co. Foreman in Stranglethorne Vale.

5.Swirling Vortex, Thousand Needles can occasionally drop a 12 slot bag

Now, if this fails you need to find a good deal at the Auction House. In order to accomplish this you need to hit the Auction House when there is a gluttony of bags to be found, this will ensure competition and will allow you to get the deal your looking for. This is where your Auctioneer add-on comes in handy, you'll be able to survey the field and find when the supply is high. Couple this with some patience and you will find a winner. It should go without saying that your target is the best bag at the cheapest price that you can afford.

Stop Getting Ripped Off! Real Gold Guide Reviews By Gamers -> Gold Guide Database Warcraft Gold Guide

Carlos Castro is an avid gamer and loves all game genres, console and PC games. His current passion is World of Warcraft.

What is a WoW Leveling Guide?

You may have heard that a WoW leveling guide is all the rage, but what exactly is it and what does it do?

Well, the purpose of a World of Warcraft leveling guide is to help your characters get to higher levels much quicker than it would usually take you.

There are a variety of free leveling guides as well as paid ones out there and some of them range in what level they will help you with.

For instance, I recently have used one that was specific for the human class to level from 1-12.

The one I used was a free guide I found online, and I'm not sure how much faster it made me level...but it was a lot of fun to use.

So how did this WoW leveling guide work? Well, it started me from where a human player starts the game on level 1. It told me the order of what NPCs to visit to take quests, the order to do the quests, the order to turn in finished quests, and even things like when to get training and repair.

It was fun and a challenge just to follow the instructions, and was something new compared to my regular game play.

If you are considering buying a World of Warcraft leveling guide, my opinion is that it would be money well spent. You may however consider trying a free guide that you can find online first to see how you like it. Then you can always purchase one if you find the free one to be enjoyable.

There are many other guides out there you could use as well, like a WoW gold guide, that will teach you how to better make gold in WoW.

If you'd like to know more about a World of Warcraft leveling guide <==Just click this link.

World of Warcraft Power Leveling Service Secrets Exposed

At first, WoW power leveling services look like a great deal. For a few hundred dollars they will level any character for you from 1-80. They claim to be able to do it much faster than all but the most hardcore can. And they throw in a load of freebies. But they come with a hitch.

The speed that they can power level your character is amazing. They claim to be able to level most characters in 8-20 days depending on the service. What they do not tell you is that it will take multiple people knowing your account information to make this happen. The fastest (non-Athene) power levelers in World of Warcraft currently can pull times of 7-8 days of /played time. That is total time in game, not how many days. For the services to do it that fast, they must level in shifts.

China and Korea are popular places to outsource this type of work, as the cost of labor is generally cheap. Cheap labor still must sleep, which means more than one person has your account information. One person for each person playing, a manager at the plant where they do the leveling, and the person you paid to provide the service. That is far too many hands on your account information, each link in the chain is the potential for your account to end up banned or stripped.

You also can not play your account in order to guarantee the times they quote, so those Children's Week achievements you logged on to do will push your time back by a day or two.

There is an option out there that can help you level as fast as those World of Warcraft power leveling services promise.

100,000 World of Warcraft Accounts Banned - The End of Power Leveling

Blizzard has just recently banned 100,000 World of Warcraft game accounts linked to gold farming, gold buying, and power leveling. Many gold farming companies in China were forced to downsize and raise prices even higher than they are now. But what does that mean for us regular gamers and (sometimes) gold buying and power leveling end-users?

Being banned after power leveling is becoming more and more frequent. So frequent, in fact, that almost all accounts that powerlevel, end up being banned within 1-3 months. How does Blizzard so easily find and ban power levelers? Since almost all (if not all) power leveling companies are in China, Blizzard easily tracks and “red-flags” any accounts used by a computer in China. There are have been many widespread reports of banned accounts from power leveling, although the companies will take no responsibility for it.

Power leveling companies have been offering lower and lower prices for their services - prices reaching as low as $150 from 1-60. The problem is, they know your account will get banned, and will take no responsibility for it. So the problem arises, how does the average hard-working person with little time on his hands get a powerful avatar that won’t get banned?

The only way secure way to escape detection is to acquire an account from a US player who no longer wants his account. And with the ability to transfer your character to any server, honestly there is almost no difference than powerleveling.

But with EBay shutting down virtually almost every auction, how does one do that? You could buy accounts at, but the problem is their prices are astronomically high, and they do not go through any through processes of making sure the account you buy won’t be taken back by the original owner. One website that solely buys and sells accounts and maintains good security procedures is Warcraft Loot. They enable you to change the email on your account so you aren't at risk of having your account taken back.

So now you know – power leveling services will soon be history once people realize that accounts get banned. The only safe alternative is to buy accounts.

Prepare for the Burning Crusade and don't powerlevel before you check out Warcraft Loot - buy WoW accounts, sell WoW accounts.

World of Warcraft Quest Helper

A good World of Warcraft quest helper is hard to come by. There are a ton of them. What's even harder to find is a quest help guide that will cover all of what you need to get started on the right foot. Thankfully, I found a WoW quest helper that covers all this ground effectively.

It's true that a World of Warcraft quest helper is a necessary part of any Wow gaming arsenal. This is what they should do at a minimum: Cut down your leveling time, help you find fast quest paths, help get gold profits fast, and they should be easy to use. Now if that were possible from one WoW quest helper that would be awesome, but I hadn't been able to find one that was a complete package. After lots of research I finally found one that claimed to be the best all in one World of Warcraft quest helper. This sounded like a lot of bragging, but my curiosity was piqued and I decided to check it out. I was surprised at how well it delivered the goods.

Here are the highlights: Advanced and easy to use in-game leveling guide, gives quest information, waypoint arrow, objective completion, and the next step to level up, all in-game, compact takes up very little of the screen; Interactive Gold guide, not a skimpy ebook but an actual site packed with all the latest profit methods with great video walkthroughs, very innovative; PvP Guide, also an interactive site experience, very well organized by class with tons of sub pages and videos that walk you through all the most advanced killer PvP strategies.

All in all I have to say Dugi's World of Warcraft quest helper really contributed to my WoW success.

Want real World of Warcraft gold secrets? Click here -&gt:

Carlos Castro is an avid gamer and loves all game genres, console and pc games. His current passion is World of Warcraft.