To use the item you will need to be a 46 level, the item have the ability to: "Blasts enemies in front of you with the power of wind, fire, all that kind of thing!" That say you will have a deferent outcome or effect when you use it. The effects records for this item are:
3.Chain lightning
The Frostbolt effect will do 150 damage in average and can have a slows target movement effect as well.
The Fireball effect will do 200 damage in average.
The Chain lightning effect will do 175 damage in average, but to up to 3 deferent mobs.
The Polymorph effect will make you or your target into a Sheep (with the health regen effect- Just like the mage one).
The Whirlwind effect will stun your target for about 10 seconds, and any damage to the target will remove the effect.
The Felhunter effect will summon a Felhunter for 30 seconds, the Felhunter will do a 1000 damage in average, and if he will use the manaburn ability even more. The manaburn will do a 300 damage and burn a 600 mana as well.
Above all this is an instant spell and with only 3 minute cool down, and low level as 46, this item is very cool indeed.
One point however, Lord Kazzak can be found in south west of the Blasted Lands (in the the Tainted Scar portion of the zone). He is a boss and you will need a raid for him - so no easy "get it right now" solution. I recommend to buy it if possible.
Get this free gold guide if you want to be able to afford yourself all the cool WOW items and mach more and you will also receive all the tips and tricks to the game. If you enjoyed the reading you can find more on this topic and on related subject in this World of Warcraft site
Alon Pyade is a wow fun and player that make the WoW gold making process part of the game itself.
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