Sunday, 10 May 2009

WoW Powerleveling Basics

It will take you quite some time to reach the highest potential in the World of Warcraft. It will take blood, sweat and tears literally, before you reach your next level. However, with the dominant presence of powerleveling in Warcraft, you should know some of the basics. Here is the information you need to help you in order to master power leveling in the game.

Try to accomplish many quests as much as possible. That’s because doing quests will help you move quickly. Try to get information from NPC’s when you enter a new location just before you start to engage new enemies.

Try to form groups of 2 to 3 with tank and a healer. Having an alliance is better than fighting alone. This is beneficial when a quest instructs you to eliminate enemies. But use wise judgment, not all situations require you to be in a group. If you feel that going alone is better, then you are probably right. Following power leveling instructions is good to a certain degree, but you still control your fate.

If possible, try to play games set in Multi-Zone mode. Upon hitting level 10 or higher, try running to other starting zone and finish all of the quests there. Accomplishing 3 to 5 level under your own really boosts your EXP quickly.

Remember that green quests will help you. Most of these quests are 2 to 3 levels under you. Just grind them. Keep in mind that if you are eliminated in a quest twice or more times, then it will be the time to grind that one. If your quest is wasting time, then do not even bother doing it, just let it go and move on to the next one.

Powerleveling is a godsend for those struggling in the game. Just remember some of the power leveling rules and you are on your way to the top. Wish you good luck and enjoy your gameplay.

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