Of course if you loot a good world drop epic or such, you will probably make a few thousand WoW golds fast, but it´s not really something you can do again easily. And what we're after is things we can reproduce and do over and over again.
And that brings us to the point of this article. When you are making gold in WoW you have to put in some time every day to get the silver and gold to trickle in. Usually you need to invest more time in the beginning to learn how things work and what are good things to make money with on your server.
A lot of the strategies for making a bunch of gold in WoW are related to using and learning the AH in a good way and it´s the best way in terms of steady income and things that you can reproduce and do over and over. And as I stated earlier, that´s what you're after - things that you can do again and again and where you can expect a similar result each time.
If you are leveling and you are after making a lot of gold fast it might be a good idea to pick up two gathering professions (skinning, herbalism and mining) while you are going through the levels and just selling the materials on the AH as you get them. This is of course just to gain gold quickly. If you wish to get professions for end-game already and level them as you go, then you probably have an idea for what you should pick to fit your character. In my experience, there are some professions that are better than others for making gold, if that´s what you're after.
Back to subject a bit. What you should do is to learn the auction house and see what things seem to sell well on your server and you can probably get an idea of what to look for in the previous articles on EasyGrinding.com. Start with looking at crafting materials, they are usually attractive and it´s a good place to start looking.
You might want to look into getting an addon that helps you with your AH experiences. There are some good ones out there that help quite a bit. I´m personally using Auctioneer at the moment and it have some really nice features even if some seem a bit overwhelming at first. So you could look into the AH addons as well.
So to summarize, try to learn the AH trends a bit, follow the market on the things you decide to try selling and see how stable the market is. And then start making WoW golds. Tons of gold hopefully. As you learn, expand to include new items.
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