Monday 10 August 2009

How to Make Gold in World of Warcraft Using Herbalism

As you progress through World of Warcraft, you will need gold to customize your character. Gold is used to purchase armor, materials, weapons and mounts. You must also use gold to purchase new spells and abilities for your character. If you trained as an herb-gatherer, you can farm herbs and sell them at the Auction House for gold. Stacks of herbs tend to sell well among characters that need to level their alchemy profession.


1.Gather as many herbs as you can carry while you level and travel. Keeping a surplus of herbs ensures you will have plenty of herbs to sell on your server's auction house.

2.Farm gromsblood in Desolace on the continent of Kalimdor. Gromsblood is useful to alchemists who want to create strength potions or demon elixirs. Gromsblood is also used in inscription to create ruby and violet pigment. This herb is fairly rare and only appears in a handful of locations, so it typically sells very well on the Auction House.

3.Farm blindweed in Swamp of Sorrows in the southern region of the Eastern Kingdoms continent. Blindweed nodes are rampant in this area. You can acquire several stacks of the herb within an hour of farming. Blindweed is useful for alchemists since it is used to create high-level
mana potions.

4.Keep an eye on your server's auction house to determine what the market is like for herbs. Check the Auction House daily to see which herbs are selling well and which ones are not. Farm herbs that sell for at least 15 gold per stack to maximize your profitability.

5.Sell your stacks of herbs for about 1 gold less than the lowest selling price listed on the Auction House. You want your stack of herbs to show up as the cheapest option, but you do not want to cut too far into your profits. have 3 years sales experience in world of warcraft. We are committed to provide users with fast, safe and cheap wow gold,wow accounts and wow powerleveling services!

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